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Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Wow! I missed you so much, readers. I hate these spans of time in which I can't make it to the laptop.

Well. Maybe we ought not get carried away. I missed filling this text field.

But, I fill it for you!

No. I fill it for me. Beautiful and unique and no doubt clever as you are, I could give two shits. This is masturbation, and you, you just watch.


Hahahaha process.


Let's see, quick'n dirty. Saw an old friend (highlight of the year so far, 'twas so so good to talk with him and see his art), had an altercation with an old crazy man at work and was forced to gently but firmly and with I think justified use of the word "fuck" and various pertinent modulations of the word "fuck" to throw him out (dude threw a plate, man! And called me an asshole many times), rolled one excellent joint and one so-so, worked a fifty-hour week last week and a double yesterday, got to know some people better, was so tired at a friend's house that I tried to shove some garbage into a stuffed compost container and could not understand why I was having so much trouble, let some Hare Krishna make me say the dang chant and gave the dick a buck for the little book he pressed into my hands (naw I mean nice guy, but seriously, boo to that), played a lot of video games, and smoked far too many cigarettes because I did so much more social stuff than usual. Argh! Wow! Bam! Pow! Good lord.


Thus, the blog has been much more sporadic than is my wont. I don't like it, but that's how life can be.


There has been a great laxity in telling you about the stuff I have been reading and looking at. So great that I am forced to present you with lists. I used to write a lot of lists, basically for no reason. Lots of people are this way. I cut it out probably around when I was twenty-two, maybe twenty-one. Now, once more into the breach.

New Stuff I Done Read or Finished Since Last I Spoke On The Matter:

The Dark Is Rising Cycle, Susan Cooper
Mr. Palomar, Italo Calvino
Paranatural (ongoing), Zack Morrison (should have been reading this long ago, by all rights, but also kind of glad I slept this long because it was extremely fucking satisfying to have so much of it to read)
One-Punch Man vol. 13, One and Yusuke Murata
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and A Link To The Past--Legendary Edition, Akira Himekawa
He Is A Good Boy (final update), KC Green

Stuff I Done Reread Since Last I Spoke On The Matter:

The Filth, Grant Morrison, Chris Weston, Gary Erksine
Stones In Water, Donna Jo Napoli
Cucumber Quest (ongoing), gigi d.g.
Demon Street (ongoing), Aliza Layne

Stuff I Be Reading In Tandem Right Now:

The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa
Threads From the Refugee Crisis, Kate Evans
Showa: A History of Japan, 1926-1939, Shigeru Mizuki

Video Games I Have Been Playing on my 2DS

Pokémon Blue, Red, and Gold versions
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
Metroid: Samus Returns
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Super Mario 3D Land


Got stuff to do and I work to-nite,









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