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Friday, February 22, 2019


A would-be cult leader is trying to get his shit rolling downhill by erecting Alt-Buddhism. His subreddit has been up for maybe two days and already he is deleting all criticism of his "ideas" as spam. 

Said "ideas" are...well, perhaps any oxygen I could give them wouldn't suit them. He's just trying to find people he can bully, but it is much more likely that if he miraculously scraped any success off the hull of this thing, someone bigger and meaner and smarter than him would steal it.

The whole thing is very funny, and it makes me very sad. Self-identifying "American Conservative Males" are truly lost. Poor, damned, weak-chinned orphans. Is it any wonder lighter, faster predators stole their food supply*? And now, we watch them thrash desperately in rudderless conniptions on the dusty floor, tears streaming from eyes they insist have always been and will ever be dry and clear, clawing at the very suggestions of straws in order to maintain a shadow of their sense of self.

Still in better shape than neoliberals and baby socialists, whose star only seems to be waxing from their own perspective, which has become so frighteningly narrow, ahistorical, and confused; it will be interesting to see their faces should they at last grasp hold only to find it is of the "Plague" variety. Of stars. 

Plague Stars radiate not merely photons, but seething, virulent photonic illness. This light...kills.

Metaphorically and literally.

Like, with guillotines. Also, firing squads.


I need to not be thinking about politics. Anything else will do, anything at all. I was doing so well for a while, and I was happy. But not thinking at least in reaction to the mounting barrage of "election" propaganda is like trying to stay dry while swimming in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the middle part, a mile and a half down into the airless dark. 

People tend to talk about these things, how much money an individual was able to part from fools how quickly, whose team should beat whose and who should be star player (this is increasingly how news anchors and "reporters" talk about politics), what it is all supposed to mean (that the speaker is right and if you disagree you are probably a Nazi and definitely an uninformed moron). People feel very free, perhaps even act instinctively, when they insert this nonsense into previously productive and healthy conversations.

In addition the television news networks, which have been in constant election cycle since 1984, have gotten more febrile about their own political involvement over the past twenty years, and exponentially for the past three (hard data supports this). Nightmare scenario.

Twhitteric and Rhedditric don't exactly help matters, not to mention the nonsense generated by even viler cesspools.

Also I am reading a lot of history and it is as always a strong reminder of what kind of animal the human being is (political**). Shit is how it is, but I don't have to like how it manifests. Noise makes it hard to think. 


*my favorites among these ranks are traditional monarchists. There is something poetic about a young man who wants a king over him, literally hunched over him, king cock shoved deep into subject asshole, in this, the twenty-first century. The best part is that this cretinous little crab is still in better rhetorical shape and wields more power and influence in discourse than the sorts of men who once reaped the benefits of WASP patriarchy, and also, regular dudes. A dude who would wipe Louis XIV's shitty butt with silk and brag about it to his friends is cooler in this day and age than a dude who would take what autonomy he could under what democracy is capable of. Fucking beautiful.

**and confused. See above.

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