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Thursday, February 7, 2019


Well I am burnt the fuck out. Too much work. Too many events. Much too much social interaction. I just want to crawl under a leaf pile and let slugs eat my eyes.


Yesterday I watched the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie, made in 2017, six years after the release of the previous one, which came four years after an arguably botched though financially successful trilogy. It was like chewing on a dry pressed cake of powdered narcotics and mood elevators. Felt fine, good even, hell, awesome; tasted astoundingly, unfadingly bitter.

Those movies were Events to me and to the people I grew up with. The filmmakers used up every ounce of good will they had built up with them by way of their scrappy debut effort by the end of the third movie, and then it just kept going. And I hear it will keep going, with a sequel to Dead Men Tell No Tales and some type of franchise reboot.

Why the fuck not. I'll watch them. I'll watch them just to hear the music. Who cares.

I liked the whole first trilogy, personally. But unlike some, I can keep track of small details throughout extended narratives, and am not married to characters acting how I think they should act.

The two made after the trilogy, well. Who is too good for them? Not me. I'll watch shitty pirate movies always. I'm good for it. Not busy. I'm not going to make strong critical arguments in favor of their quality, but I will watch them without complaint. And so will most people, apparently, because they make a lot of money!

Huge amounts. Look it up.


Also yesterday I watched a movie with Robert Redford and James Gandolfini which takes place in a military prison. It was heavyhanded and less than economical but pretty all right, even great at times. I think James Gandolfini was probably the best actor ever. 8mm is a strong argument for this, as it is a strong argument for every member of its cast and everyone that helped make it. 8mm is brilliant with no qualifiers. I'm one of those people that thinks Nick Cage is brilliant and just makes bad decisions because he's a fucking wreck, also.

Wrecks oughta look out for one another when possible; gotta see each other clearly because others will not do this for us.


I've seen The Sopranos a couple of times now. The ending is the perfect ending.


Who gives a fuck about today's post! One of the worst posts ever. I'm going to take a walk and think about dead friends and mistakes I can never fix. Maybe I'll slip on some ice and hurt myself bad enough to feel something.


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