In particular, and as always, I am thinking of and still absolutely amazed that the History Channel, which I could easily and accurately call the W.R. Hearst Legacy Channel, broadcasts the show Ancient Aliens to the viewing public. I hope Umberto Eco passed without having seen it. It is everything he writes about in his essay on Ur-Fascism, everything he talks about when he discusses critical historical misinterpretation and dangerous textual telephone in his book Serendipities, it is just plain conspiracy theory and the undermining of rational thought and empirical thinking and inductive reasoning.
If you want to know what the show Ancient Aliens is actually about, what its purpose is, and why the people who make it and the trolls that feature prominently are just irresponsible at best, get a load of this shit. Slip into the rabbit hole a ways. Learn about "Awareness" and the true story of our solar system. You're either the kind of person who will fall for it and come to believe that I am the insane one--possibly even not human--for not believing in it, or you'll understand why I'm pissed.
I have hazel eyes, by the way, and possess vivid memories of my childhood dreams, many of which involved being strapped to a vertical surface by shadowy figures and being pierced by a shifting but always circular pattern of individual lights like floating crystals, so bright they rayed and spangled wildly in the vision. The feeling was one of total panic and of being penetrated and rearranged internally.
So you know, this has particular significance, according to the above conspiracy theory. Makes me special. Singled out.
Still think all of that is bullshit. Come on, people. Get with a program that is called the delusion of being outside a delusion. Take a step back. Then take one more.
Not a very productive post. Hey, I hate the fucking teevee and the insufferable lunatic demagogues it so clearly empowers and rewards, everybody! I hate to death its infinitely hungry, ever-regurgitating, white-glowing maw!
Of course, I am a person who has watched a lot of cartoons and PBS and HBO which is, of course, still television. I love the teevee as much as the next guy but FUCK.
Similar to how I'm pretty much an internet person, shaped by its forces and disdainful of misunderstandings of what I believe it represents, but am absolutely disgusted by everything about the internet, loathe it and belittle it at every opportunity.
Similar to how I'm pretty much an internet person, shaped by its forces and disdainful of misunderstandings of what I believe it represents, but am absolutely disgusted by everything about the internet, loathe it and belittle it at every opportunity.
Now back to reading this "mainstream history" book I am enjoying, even though it is clearly written specifically to keep me in the dark about how the Earth is actually hollow and full of things that want to drink my blood and steal my hormones.
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