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Saturday, February 23, 2019


Man, today was shitty. It was a dirty butt of a day. Sucked.

So I tagged along with my mom and at the Ikea where she needed to get some curtain runners I got myself four bookshelves. Just put one together. Then, after I put some of my books in it, I'm going to put together another, and put some of my books in it. Then I'll go to sleep.


Ah, well. The hundred and twenty-third post, what should by all rights be a joyous occasion and a post with at least a touch of flair, marred by a fucked-up shift and some of the most boring news there is. I mean, for me, buying four bookshelves is exactly the counterweight to a bad shift, a mighty spell of order over chaos, and well-being over clawing at my own head under a single, flickering light bulb dangling from a naked wire.

Most people don't get excited about shelving their books, though. This is their own grave and pitiable deficiency. Hey, at least I'm going to sleep later! This is something almost everyone can relate to, very lowest common denominator.

Sleeping! The people's truest form of entertainment.


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