That piece of text is fucking good. If you like my prose and want a harder taste, the industrial-grade shit what needs diluting to one part in ten, this is a good thing to read. I didn't even know about this website till today! If even part of the stuff on there is to that level, it is internet treasure. Some days clicking around pays off.
Criticisms often leveled at pieces like the one that I have linked to today run along the lines of impenetrability, which is incredible; a painting is also technically impenetrable. You don't need to be familiar with the chemical composition of each pigment to look a the fucking picture, though, and writing like this is something that you can just read. You read it like you're being fucked by it, you let it happen to you and comprehend it later if at all. Stuff like this stays in you and occasionally pertinent revelations illuminate it further; sleeper wisdom, planted connections and reverberations.
In this case, something like twenty wikipedia articles are conveniently embedded to increase accessibility (commendable and cool), but having all the background in the world won't protect you from how the piece is written and what it actually does, which is violent, fantastic, gorgeous, triumphant, disgusting, and super funny. Above all it is penetrative, as I mentioned; to yourself attempt to penetrate it, to conquer it, to lord over it in your ponderous bigbrain, is to miss the point, and especially, the fun.
Ahem-hem. I of course, understood it completely because here I am writing about it and what better proof.
hahaha no I mean I'm not lost in a sea with a torn sail or anything, like I don't need most of the appended articles (though I have them all tabbed on my browser for later because I'm inspired to refresh myself and take it for another spin) and I knew almost all of the words, but I'll have to get houndy on some shit I have no idea about before I really feel like I have a handle on it, whereupon I might like it even more, but it won't be able to bring me the same pleasure it brought me today. A different set of pleasures will bloom, to be sure, but it's never quite what it was the first time, is it?
Anyway, anyway. Thank you, Elytron Frass, for making my morning good today. I hope you, too, had an engaging start to your day.
Tomorrow I will try to write about something other than what I read online before I opened up the text editor. Criminy, I used to try to mix it up around here.
Sitting with a box of nicotine gum at my left elbow. I guess this fucking shit costs seventy-five dollars? On the basis of this expenditure, cigarettes that come near my mouth after I have consumed the gum ought to spontaneously transmogrify into one of those joints that grace the cover of glossy magazines concerned with the flagrantly conspicuous consumption of world-class cannabis products.
It should have that little horticultural arrangement of tips on the lighting end, so that it looks like it's wearing a little wig if you stand it on its filter. It should definitely stand perfectly, without coaxing, on its filter. Its paper was dipped in hash oil and smeared lightly with pressed resin. I smoke it in one long pull; preparing for the drag takes about eight seconds. I have one more for the morning, two for the afternoon, and two more for at night. Occasionally, however, I might enjoy six in a row.
Y'all, I hope they never build a prison for DOOFUSES
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