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Monday, July 15, 2019


A friend and I noted that internet was extremely dull before the weekend. We drifted aimlessly in a gray haze and were bored, each apart from the other, of course, at our respective pumps; both dry. But that was before this weekend; this weekend was crammed full of content. The Area 51 meme has surged with such enthusiastic power that everybody and their Twilight Princess-playing grandmother came out the woodwork with their best stuff (or not best) and firehosed it all over internet.

Everything is wet, now.

That's good. Overdue. Laughed my ass off and read a ton of interesting shit. Been a long time since clicking around was stimulating enough to keep me awake later than I thought it would.


That was fun, I guess. I had ideas about farming the tides and how internet is like the stock market and also a shoreline. But it is so fucking noisy around here that I'm done. I'm out. I'm going to eat something, take a shower, and go to work early. Perhaps I will develop these ideas tomorrow, provided tomorrow contains moments not taken up by a grown man brusquely vacuuming the carpets as he belts repetitive fragments of extemporaneous "opera".


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