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Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Finished up Stranger Things 3 (basically perfect, it is crazy what good writing happens in Stranger Things and knowing how much this kind of artwork pisses a certain kind of person off is just extra sugar) and also watched My Neighbor Totoro for the second time ever. The thing about that movie is how plausible and correct I find the yokai element* contrasted to how unbelievable I am forced to consider the actual human characters. Well, just one character. Everything is real in My Neighbor Totoro except for the father, who is a fantasy. Too good of a dude. 

Not saying dudes like this don't exist, or that their existence is not desirable. No, if you asked me, I would tell you that to be like him is everything I want; to be in that place in life and be the sort of man who acts and speaks as he does when faced with what he faced with and blessed with what he is blessed with ought be the aim and hope of every honest dude. But have I ever met anyone like that dude? I have not. Never.

I suppose, though, that most fathers have something in common with him. Mine does, different as they are. It's something in how they stand on their feet to balance the load. And other common mysteries whose answers lie bare to the sunshine, for all eyes to see, while somehow remaining secret.


One can't really spell these things out. It's why show and don't tell is the one short rule of writing I consider absolutely indispensable. It's why the character works, and works better than a "real" man; a character can be an emblem, a sigil; can emerge less formed from the collective unconscious and by its vagueness be more truthful. 


Beneath the heart and the head, oft-forgotten, lies the gut, without whom neither serve any purpose and could not even exist.** 

The gut does not think or feel. It cannot rule, and must make do with what it is given. It only tells the truth, and without it, we are lost.


God isn't in any detail, any explanation, any bloodline or object. 

God was only ever and can only ever be in the gut.


*to restate a position, I unequivocally believe in ghosts, fairies, monsters, gods. Everything is literally real.

**see Aesop's fable concerning the Belly and the Members. 

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