Ok, I'm funning. Definitely they're onto some cool stuff.
Personally, I can really really get behind the "hyperstitional manipulation of desire's puppet-strings". That shit is poetry to me. I also especially like the embrace of terrorizing feminist linguistic tropes and the naked embrace of appropriation and unaccountability. Love the rejection of purity and melancholy; correctly identified as a moribundity in our cultural and political life. I can always get behind a little destruction. I always support strapping in and getting down to business.
Now, I could be reading this wrong, but it seems to talk about screwing with people's hormones without their knowledge or consent. It's not explicitly stated, and the point labors on a different focus, but it's kind of in there! I am all for the creation of semiotic parasites that feed on hegemonic stability, but that kind of thing is not cool with me. I've had this fight before and I think it's just indefensible. Also I am rather against stuff that asserts the permeation of every fiber of existence with the political, but what are ya gonna do.
Overall though, really fun read. Again, cool stuff. I'll be extremely fascinated to see what life this document will have, going forward into this wild-ass century.
Man, I napped for like two hours straight today. That's gonna fuck everything up pretty good.
Oh, well! Tomorrow I'll probably make a list of all the books I've bought since last time I talked about it. That is easy to do, and fun typing. And any value this blog might have will always take a backseat to what seems fun to me.
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