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Saturday, July 6, 2019


One plus nine plus seven? Seventeen. Hell yes. It's one of those posts.


Since last I wrote, I have worked a whole week of hours in three days and a fourth shift so far, floated on a lake and smoked spliffs in the water, been blessed by three hawks, said a prayer for each and a fourth for good measure, listened to a lot of good old reggae, started watching the new season of Stranger Things (the third), and calmed down considerably. 

Who cares about stuff that makes me angry. Fuck that hassle. I shove it away from my mind like I hip-check some sweaty motherfucker out my way on the court to go for the lay-up, missing completely, running on without missing a step, out of the gym, away from the building, out into a brighter world, palms up to the beautiful sunshine.


July! July! Let's get it done.


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