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Monday, April 29, 2019


Yo, as of now, this ole blogomatic has 77 posts for this year, 88 posts for last year, and the tworter account has tweeted 222 tweets. This delicate and incredible situation will cease to be as soon as I smash the "publish" button on this, the one hundred and sixty-sixth post.

Life is so fucking rad. Why are numbers so cool? People say fuck math, I have said it myself, but like, I wanna fuck math.


You know. Do it.


One plus one equals two. This is the third-most basic framework for reproduction and also pornography, preceded by one plus one equals (x) ones, itself preceded by one divided by half. 

Yup, 1(0.5)=2 and that right there is where fucking begins. The math that supports that moment in possibility is more complicated and murky, but still hot, probably.

Bet it feels disgustingly good to engage mitosis, ugh. Just...splitting. Mm.


Haha okay I'm done being gross for today.   


Well, on paper, anyway.


Let's see. Read Fear and Trembling by SK and got most of the way through The Sickness Unto Death (both translated by Walter Lowrie), then decided to break it up a little with Roaming Foliage by Patrick Kyle and I should finish up Tezuka Osamu's Ayako before I go into work. Then back to Kierkegaard. Planning on reading his Philosophical Fragments (translated by David Swenson including commentary by Niels Thulstrup, translation revised and commentary translated by Howard V. Hong) and after that I'm thinking of rereading Being and Time by Martin Heidegger, but I've also been eyeing King Kong Theory by Virgine Depenthes, No Disrespect by Sister Souljah, The Death of Truth* by Michiko Kakutani, and frankly, I don't even know why I'm bothering to plan because I'm also feeling the pull of Hannah Arendt, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Stephen King, Ursula K. Le Guin, Manning Marable, Carl Jung, and William Shakespeare, plus a couple anthologies. Just to name a few.

Literally anything could happen, including none of the above. Chaos reigns!


Point is, I'm done with this, gonna go read.


*I complain about people saying shit like this, titling their books and articles with shit like this, but y'know, I always feel compelled to investigate the claim. I sneer at "the death of this and the death of that" but I'm always like "oh, whatup, you said what died? Tell me allll about what you mean by that." Probably I'm just chasing the dragon of how I felt when I read that God is dead. Nothing ever measures up even in the remotest sense. 

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