In number one hundred and forty seven, we have the excellent situation of a compound number composed of its own double. I really dig that kind of thing.
One of my favorite things in the whole wide world is adding 123,456,789 to 987,654,321 to get 11,111,111,110. Equally pleasing is the addition of 321,654,987 to 789,456,123 in order to create exactly the same result. That shit is the definition of sublime. There is no feeling like it.
Also? 123,456,789 plus 789,456,123 equals 912,912,912. How do you fucking like them apples? 321,654,987 plus 987,654,321 is 1,309,309,308. That last eight is what really makes the whole affair transcend perfection, the single digit--just the first whole number, ripped from the ones column and thrown into the millions.
No matter what happens in life, there's always math. Just doing a problem and seeing the result. The mind goes to a place.
I also like graphs a lot.
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