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Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Everything in life is just to help you get through it. You'll like how some stuff feels as it does this, and other stuff, you really won't. So you'll use some stuff and won't use the rest, avoid the rest if you can.

Eventually, this process comes to a halt. Won't have to get through anything anymore.


Because I got depression, I am very active in this clinging to flotsam. Books, games, jobs, relating with other people, smoking, it's all about fending off total dissolution. 

Sometimes you're sitting pretty on a raft in a calm lake. Sometimes you're clinging to a barrel as it races down a river. Sometimes it's a twisted piece of wreckage in a stormy ocean. Sometimes you are clinging to a dragon's back. Sometimes you don't have anything to hand and you just have to tread water, or fall through the air.


Getting thrown into existence isn't like being planted in anything solid or otherwise earthly. It's being thrown into a vortex, warped by incalculable forces as they drag you ever to the fixed and perfect center.


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