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Wednesday, September 26, 2018


I missed another day yesterday! No excuse. The day just passed it by. Practiced four musical instruments, walked and fed the dog, went to the market with my mom, read a bunch. Had ample time, but it didn't happen, but I accept this, personally. The blank spaces in some days simply aren't meant to be filled.

Standing on a low hill yesterday, feeling the wind, I existed completely and totally, with no thoughts in my head at all. Only the vast silent rush of the holy wind. Personally I would not replace that moment with my own digital chattering, no matter how apt or amusing or pointless. However, if you happen derive some sustenance from my humble noises, I do apologize that I was not where I was supposed to be.

I can offer you most days! Most. But no truth-seeking person makes promises. Only one man ever made a true promise, and as we are, we can but reach up to that height, straining and failing.

This is all by way of saying that damn play is probably not going to be ready by October first. A lot of things changed since I made that plan, which is how the world works. I still mean to try. This blog is all I've had the juice for since I started, and work demands as work is wont, but things are settling down.


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