That car place I used to work at couldn't offer me anything reasonable, so I went back to an old kitchen I heard was in some needs and they gave me part-time for a buck more an hour than when I left so I can bargain up more money for full-time and promotions. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess; they overworked and underpaid me like a pack of graceless savages and lied smiling about upcoming raises and how much they appreciated me. Now I believe them, since their place lost a ton of loot after I wasn't there to do a bunch of shit no one wants to do. But I like how clean and small the kitchen is. It's very clean, and quite small. The drama stays low-level for the most part. I'm happy to be back.
Anyway, sorry to miss a day. I walked to work, and all the way home the long way. I was tired, and then I walked to work again this morning. Man, my shirt was fricking soaked in sweat when I got to work! It's cold now, in the mornings, but the kind of cold where as soon as your blood heats up from a little action you're stuck sweating under your coat or sweater, and at that point I've walked a fifth of a mile and there's four more to go. The first part of autumn can really use summer's lingering attitude to mess with your choices. But I packed a dry shirt. I been walking to my workplaces for a while, now, there's plenty of tricks.
Okay, I'm going to go eat some pasta with mushrooms in it and pet the family dog. Then I'm going to read a book. May God bless our souls with everlasting mercy.
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