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Monday, April 29, 2024


It was a little weird because it's been awhile and I'm older now, but with time also came a certain self-assurance and determination as I salvaged some pretty excellent trash from the curb:
  • partially rusted metal trash can with partially rusted lid
  • some rusty and some ok lengths of broken chain
  • a satellite dish and its supporting arm,
  • seemingly barely used DVD player
  • universal remote
  • a metal box fan seemingly from the fifties or somesuch, haven't investigated yet
  • long plastic tube attachment for a leaf blower
Add all that to the couple of toaster ovens and dead DVD players I already happened to have on hand, and we have the base materials for some interesting play. Must finish disassembling my old laptops soon as well.

Think we need some fresh filing cabinets in the house. Hafta look! It's trash season. Gotta tool around downtown and around the apartment complex dumpsters and see what the students leave scattered about this year. Filing cabinets are long odds, but not impossible. 


Gotta go to the library today. Gotta spackle some kitchen wall, wait and sand, do a little brushwork in there before bedtime. Gotta paint some other shit too, probably. Once I'm done painting there's kitchen cabinets to powersand. One last class at school. Work. 

Life, life, life. Putting gas in the car and making coffee. Taking a big shit and feeding the cats. Scraping at the floor with a wet rag to fix my paint spills basically with elbow grease. Happily wielding scissors and brushes and shovels as I listen to beautiful songs, meditating on dead and distant friends.

Treasuring the peace of these days. May it last.


Ok cool so off to honor these halcyon days baby


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