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Thursday, April 18, 2024


Pretty fuckin blank today, boys. The last couple days have been a hell of a lot and there's still more to come. Plus I slept like all of two hours last night, there were a lot of problems. 

What's pertinent? Fuckin...I dunno. I'm very close to finalizing a real track order on a few of the playlists I've been tweaking for the past...long time. The neighborhood of a full year or perhaps longer.

Got my rock collection, my stuffed dinosaurs, and a variety of other keepsakes, art bits, little gleaming things, and a few artifacts of power arrayed on my remaining office bookshelf. The visual and aural media corner is coming along nicely. Haven't organized the bookpiles properly, haven't fixed up the circling bookshelf or the inset bookshelves--oh! Part of it all was that I had to tear out the main fixed bookshelf in front of the window when the windows got did. House feels way better, by the way, with insulation in the crawlspace and windows from this century. Feels like I haven't mentioned that.

Finally, haven't thought of a shelving solution that pleases me yet, though now that I'm typing I recall there exist extremely thin metal sheets that can be affixed to the wall and support several books. There's an avenue of inquiry among all these haven'ts.

Cool. Cool. Good enough? Do I have more, or am I triggering dry? 

Feels like I should have more of a reward for your time. More of an endorphin payload, right? Hm.


Fuck it. I'm hungry. Gonna snack. Maybe I'll take a nap.




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