Though I have done my best to teach myself ignorance and cultivate that private humility which grants protection from humiliation and the venalities of unjust pride, still I find myself impatient with the fripperies and blunders of my fellow humans. It is my own failing. We are all doing as we must, as we were shaped to by our lives.
But it's so stupid to release a document that you title "Infinite Dignity" and undignify yourself so thereby. It's an act of such childish, such wilful hypocrisy. To contradict yourself so completely in its pages. To dare set limits on the inifinite because of your worst opinions, your grave, earthbound, purely too-human puerility.
"God's perfect will is not to be fucked with, so trans people can't get help, because I said so basically. When God fucks up in a way that I don't like, though, the doctors are good to go. Stop thinking about gender, too. I already said what it is and how it works so the matter is settled."
Leaving the work of it, the labor and risk involved in facing the truth of the matter, the actual duties and responsibilities of infinite mercy and infinite dignity to us, the meek and disinherited. As it has always been.
Further context: more than sixty years after it should have happened--which would have been a hundred years after it could have happened, and two thousand, really, if we're talking about year upon year of missed opportunities to make a kinder and more harmonious world (one might say, one's main and perhaps only job as pope)--we got a pope that finally said gay people shouldn't be criminalized and killed and tortured, and almost--not quite--said they shouldn't be pathologized.
Laughable--a textbook example of what it means to do and say too little too late--and furthermore, stopping well short of a mark that again, should have been crossed decades and decades and perhaps centuries and millenia ago.
Thanks, pope. Really helping. You do good work out there. Hey, at least you have demonstrably helped with the whole war and poverty thing. I mean, look at all the increasing peace and stability! Too much winning? I don't want to discount your accomplishments, your ability to at least stand exactly where you are able to stand, but I can't help it: it's not enough.
Vayase al carajo, viejo. Perdiste el balón. Ahora te tendrán que recordarte como el que no llegó al gól, y el que tampoco pudo defender. Que hiciste? No pudiste hacer un coño, y no por falta de poder, ni oportunidad. Nisiquiera pudiste con los que se cójen a los jóvenes. Para que eres?
Bueno. Te lo perdono. Tengo algún otro recurso?
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