Thinking about the potential inherent in combining cellulose and proteins, as well as cellulose and polymers. Thinking about frames and armatures in wire and rebar and pvc pipe. Thinking about ways of draping, of enfleshing these armatures with all kinds of cellulose/polymer/protein/pigment combinations, and encasing those new bodies in different combos of protective chemical formulas. Wooden sculptures, with meat and scales of fabric and glass! Sculptures made from destroyed kitchen equipment and broken chunks of discarded masonry!
These are old dreams, these dreams of living paint-spattered, gluing fried motherboards to shattered porcelain and nailing sheet metal to plywood, spray-painting and englittering the whole deal. I used to draw and paint and smash stuff together almost as much as I used to write, but time and circumstances narrowed the frame till I was basically a writer that doodles with unusual fervor.
No more! I've talked about reclaiming these parts of myself and let it fade. Not again. Shit is about to get insane up in here.
Praise be! Rejoice! Rejoice! We give way before a mighty immanence!
Cutting and tearing up these New Yorkers is a real trip, man. I hate some of these articles and ideas so fucking much. Some of these images and jokes are so fucking deadass stupid. I don't like being made to feel that way, but hey. It is what it is. I feel what I feel.
Lots of usable stuff, though. And each issue represents a great quantity of papier-mâché and collage background/filler, not to mention plenty of good images and photos. Usable. Practical. High-yield. That's what's important about this magazine. Very upscale garbage, something to be grateful for.
Right on, people of Earth. Hell yes, fellow Terrans. More painting to do today. But first, some videos game. Been on my feet being productive almost the whole time since four this morning. The good schedule. I think I'll do one of those crazy person protests if they don't repeal daylight savings time this time. We need to leave it here. I need it to be over. The nightmare cannot continue.
Ok peace
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