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Saturday, January 22, 2022


Started and deleted this post a couple times. Something about being a quarter cent away from post 300, which feels like the most important milestone in the life of this extremely obscure, sans-readership blog. 

Also I have no serotonin in my brain, probably. Probably less, probably some kind of serotonin neutralizer instead. Been weeping a lot. No joke. Took one of those drives, those "I need to get the hell out of the house and be alone GOODBYE" drives, and just cried like a baby for a quarter tank of gas. Doing my part to accelerate the end of the world, I guess.

Many times over the run of this blog I have recommended the smoking of weed on the daily. Know that if you personally choose to take this advice, and ever want to stop, the physical kickback will be a return or surfacing of many aches and pains in the body, and all your buried psychic trauma coming up to kick your fucking ass.


Also, don't take my advice. I say so, over to the right of this text field. Read the disclaimers, please. 


What else is there to say? Everything I've said in this blog that I might have once thought of as insightful was written hundreds of years ago. I say that the universe is made up of metaphors, metaphors, only fractals and metaphors, thinking this is fertile and new, and later find that Jorge Luis Borges said it better. Anyway anyone that's ever done enough LSD or hit the DMT could tell you the same no problem. 

Whatever. Who goddamn cares. I have laundry to watch and crying to do. Certainly I shan't be the first to point out that there is nothing new to be written under the sun. Probably I've already said it right in the blog. 


You know what I've been watching a lot of lately? The Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's no more than I deserve. Also finally watched the new Twin Peaks. It sucked. I loved it, but it sucked. I love David Lynch, but he sucks. Thanks for reading my opinion today. Thank you. Bye.


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