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Monday, January 10, 2022


All right, dear reader. It is post number two seven three and we are going to TEAR IT UP by which I mean FINISH SOME POINTLESS THOUGHTS FOR NO REASON. Perhaps it would be more precise, as well as more linguistically refreshing, to say that we are going to AIMLESSLY PURSUE SOME INCOMPLETE LINES OF RECREATIONAL REASONING. But whatever we choose to call it, here were are, and here we go.


You know? Actually? Why look back. Perhaps it would be better to simply move forward? If the reasoning is recreational, and the thoughts pointless, will "completing" them be worth anything? Is that even possible, this notion of completeness, of completion? Would hazard probably not. Certainly it is difficult, at the moment, to remember what value proposition I thought existed in such an act. 

Yes, I think everything behind me will take care of itself. Perhaps already has; perhaps what I felt was unfinished was perfect and entire. Sound integers all the way down. 

Ultimately the concession that it is all without thrust or pierce--directed towards nothing and lacking any point--furnishes me with the kind of plunging-ahead, animalistic glee of process and lunatic self-confidence that allowed me to print my last book without so much as rereading the full document a single time. Guess I get kind of a kick out of doing stuff like that.

If the thought is worth writing about and reading, it need not truly be concluded. Also, too much of life necessarily consists of second-guessing hindsight. "If you look back, you die," Zangetsu tells Ichigo. Bleach is, indeed, about striding forward bravely through the rain into a bright future.

In that spirit, we shall enshrine that first paragraph as a worthy step, even as we step beyond it and leave it behind us forever--just like the two hundred and seventy-third post.


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