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Monday, November 26, 2018


World of Warcraft never captured me. I played it for the first time very late, thought it was very good for a half hour, then never wanted to play again. I pretty much didn't! It's not my idea of a game. 

Thinking about it today, as one does even if you don't play it (its power is that huge; to call it greater than merely nine thousand would be paltry) I wondered if it would make it more fun to somehow hook up your whole control scheme in order to use your keyboard like an instrument in order to "play" a boss in timed, variously complex "chords", or other sequential keystroke challenges. I understand the boss battles are very repetitive; this would perhaps elevate them. I don't know how it might be done. I am mostly an idea man; raw execution is only my speed in limited goal-based activities, such as scoring in video games, single combat, and slicing onions exactly.

Writing is a transitive state between ideation and execution, and occupies space as twilight does, and the predawn.

Somebody could probably mess with the code of the game and with their hardware enough to execute what I talked about in some form, probably way cooler than what I'm able to come up with. It is magnificent how adroitly we are able to manipulate these facets of reality and how quickly we have learned to bend them to our will in ever more fantastic arrangements, with ever more powerful processing and rendering and ever more capacious stores of memory. 

One fine day, a conversation between teenagers catching up in between classes may come to sound like this:

"Did you hear what Larry did with one of the pocket universes in his Sub-DimenStation? Motherfucker made his will into a form of living obsidian and shaped it into a world the size of ten suns, a world whose hunger would not die till the last star goes dark. At the extreme northern pole of that grim leviathan of the void, he let rise a spire to pierce the breast of what heavens may glare upon such wasted sorrows, and at its pinnacle he spliced a neural network his little sister sculpted into a kind of consciousness syringe to see if the spire can act like a reverse brainstem and he can make a sentient death planet to upload to people's Intranet ports when they come in for an unshielded update. He thinks it'll eat their personalities."

I dunno, some shit like that. 


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