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Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Got a lot of page views yesterday! Weird. I don't even remember what I talked about, and I just went to reread it a couple minutes ago to figure out why it had more hits! Who knows. I don't think about that stuff too much. It would be nice to sell more of my books, but I'm not too stressed about that either. I would prefer my day job paid better to making enough at this to quit it. I have many vocations, and it makes sense that the most physically demanding and societally beneficial through direct action be the one that generates my actual living revenue*. I'll take money for making art because it costs money and calories (which cost money and calories) to make it and money to distribute it, but I don't need to have nothing to do but art. Maybe when I'm eighty-five or something.


Here, I'm going to try plugging my books a bit better. I'll say some stuff about my book of short stories, Symphonic Minor Heresies: Movement #1

Well, it's full of little jokes. If you think I'm funny, you'll like 'em. Some of them are very sneaky.

I took the cover photo myself!

The book has quite a few stories for its length, as many are quite short. They cover a lot of different things in a lot of different styles, so if you don't like some of the stuff you might like some of the rest. Your friends might feel differently. I have never been a member of a book club, but I sense this might be a good book for the right kind of book club.

It can be taken very seriously or enjoyed merely for the pleasure of its play.

That's all I feel like saying! 


*cooking. I am a cook. 

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