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Sunday, December 16, 2018


Damn! That was a dense couple of days. Dense with events! Feels like such a long time to me! Remember my teeth? Good times. Scroll down, if you didn't read about my teeth before. It's totally good information. If you're reading the archive, future reader, you just read it; but, maybe you can scroll back down, give yourself a quick refresher on my teeth. If you feel like you need to. I heard the test is supposed to be pretty easy.


This evening was glorified outrageously by among the most spectacular sunsets I have ever borne witness to. The sky's movement into twilight stands in total defiance of any description, and joins the ranks of celestial vistas that define my life and whose ghosts I sometimes attempt to translate into readable form, long after the fact.


Indeed, my life is in great part defined by the skies I have seen. They are etched into an inviolable place within me.


Back to work! Ha, no, so what happened is I walked to work a surprise double, walked home, walked in the next day, worked, walked home to shower, allowed a get-together to rob me of much psychic energy and sleep to boot, walked in today, worked, walked around a bunch after my shift, then walked home. I'm a little beat! And I work the next two mornings! I am going to go to sleep! 

As soon as my clothes come out of the dryer. 

Peace out, brothers, sisters, and siblings of other identities! Merry Christmas and every other holiday or anti-holiday anybody cares to name! Even if it's something I find objectionable or repellent, have a merry time of it. I take that goodwill on earth towards all mankind shit serious. 


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