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Wednesday, December 5, 2018


When you start paying very, very close--some would say, obsessive--attention to the flow of events in your life, especially when you are a person who sets febrile store by catching out the auspicious and correct moment to take action, you will notice that everything depends on the flow of energy. Since everything in the universe is made of light, including water, which is what we are made of, this is not in the end surprising.

For the last year, I have been waiting for the right time to get in touch with a certain old friend. Today felt right. I took action.

Also today, an old friend whom I decidedly did not want to speak with tried to get in touch. Though my instinct was to ignore this, I realized that the universe had put me in a characteristic bind; to keep the flow harmonic, I would have to accept this energy, given that I had sent some out. Shit's essentially Newtonian. Couldn't be more straightforward.

So I responded. I'm not pleased! I am grossed out and angry that I had to do that, and that I will have to squander further words, time, and feeling on this matter! Lord, I hope what I sent feels better to the person I sent it to. The universe being what it is--a balance-seeking thing that eternally collapses--it's up in the air, but the math is hopeful. Newton, remember.

Have a beautiful evening, folks.


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