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Sunday, May 12, 2024


Seeing an old classmate by chance and having a little chat gets increasingly surreal as time flows. Some of my cohort, myself included, turn thirty-five this year. Bob and I had known each other since middle school and seen each on and off for a few years after high school as our separate workplaces shared back lot and a dumpster. But once that played out after about three years we'd not seen each other maybe ten years, and my old workplace plus the back lot and dumpster are literally gone, replaced by a high rise, and Bob's old work is a different storefront now, facing a wholly transformed street, as is the way of urban life. Our small and silly city.

Not being on any form of social media, I have no idea what has become of almost anyone I've ever met. Even people I have cohabited with, even people I loved and made love to for years.

That's just how it be.


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