Spending time alone is something I crave and treasure, but it may be time to reckon with the fact that too much of it makes me strange in my head. That will involve admitting that there is such a thing as too much alone time, rather than the mindset I have always tended to exist in, which is that there is never enough alone time, that it is a precious resource to be fought for and safeguarded.
Well, it is. But meeting people and talking at their faces and having your face talked at is actually important.
Have to admit it. Aloud, too. Repeatedly. As a matter of some long-term urgency.
Kids really are incredibly great. They are the point of it all. Yesterday was May the 4th, Star Wars Day, a shining beacon to my people. The theater was running Phantom Menace, and some families came out with their progeny. Man, that was so fucking great to see. That gave me so much life. These kids were losing their bananas about seeing Star Wars on the big screen. I was their age when Phantom Menace dropped. It was a huge blessing to see them get to do the same all these years later, and their joy was as my joy. I also got some undecided customers to see Phantom Menace, so I have already used this position to do some public service--some good in this existence.
Have to admit it. Have to admit it. It is important to be among people. To have encounters and relate.
To remember what this is all actually for. To keep myself sane, even if people drive me batshit a lot of the time.
Kinda burnt out on painting, but it's not the kind of project you can just stop. Kinda gotta finish.
Ok, ok, then. Here we go!
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