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Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Been wearing the same shirt for three days, and it reeks to high heaven like a monkey in its prime because I am MAN. Hup hup! Say whatever you want, but you'll know how bad you wanna fuck me/shame me or how bad I'll kick your ass/you need to kick my ass the second you get a whiff. Information is important, and really, I feel we've been robbed of an essential dimension of our social interrelations with this mania for pretending we smell like chemical cocktails that have nothing to do with anything. It's all part of taming and manipulating the human herd animal: neutralizing odors enforces the idea that the natural state of a person is abominable and unclean; odor control and odor value can then be established along artificial lines in order to enforce class and control behavior. Think of what a woman won't do, in terror of creating her own natural odor in a perceptible way, this manifestation just one link in the criminal and intolerable chains of psychic oppression that bind her. Think of how little money a man can ultimately make, if he is unable to smell sufficiently ostentatious in the halls of power; god forbid the scent of motor oil or cow manure hang about his clothing; god forbid a dude sweats more than a little on the upper lip and that only under intolerable conditions, like fucking his wife.

Factually Masculine 2024 arrives, in-and-out-single-paragraph-palate-cleanser-tiger-phoenix style. How's that for ideas about smells? Give smells a thought. Do you even know what you really, truly smell like? You might not.  


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