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Friday, July 16, 2021


Post two hundred and fifty! Hella. Guess at this point I should think about an annotated collection. If I start now I can publish on the third anniversary! What a nerd move that would be.


Indeed, though. My fourth book, a double-feature consisting of my first play (discussed long ago, in the blog's early days) and a collection of hybrid thought experiments/conceptual ghost stories, should be forthcoming with a swiftness that surprises me (even though it's technically taken seven years to write, these last stages seem to be going by pretty fast). Then on the third anniversary of the blog I plan to reissue the first two books, make a book out of the blog's posts up to that point (which I guess I really should get started on knocking into shape) and announce my plans for the fifth book (maybe...a sixth?).

Hey! Parentheses!


Parenthetically. Great word. On the order of, say, perspicacity, or salubriousness.

Oh, and tintinnabulation. Perhaps proliferation. And automatization. 


All this boilerplate reminds me that I haven't linked to the first two books in years. Because of my surely famous and commonly-known computer problems, I somehow have two author pages on amazon dot com. It's a glaring security issue and I am begging for trouble, but also well-documented is my extreme laziness in doing anything about anything when it involves making phone calls or filling out any type of form. 

Anyhow, the first two books can be found here, and the third, here.

Buy them! Even if they suck, perhaps how they suck, and why, may serve you as a worthwhile talking point.


Three hundred pages into The Magic Mountain. There's like four hundred more! Kinda wish I could get through more of it at one time, but the book demands what it demands. Definitely it is having an effect. Definitely Thomas Mann had something on the ball, some brilliant stuff in there. Thinking of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Cancer Ward, one of my favorites.

That last there, that was a technical parenthetical. But was it ethical?


It's raining here. The cats just ate and they're doing their cats that just ate things at various points around where I'm sitting in the middle of the floor with my laptop in front of me. My husband is asleep in a different room. Now I am going to make a second cup of coffee and read to the sound of the falling drops.


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