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Saturday, July 10, 2021


Just a day or two after tossing off the last post, my laptop's logic board fried. Or whatever.

Took it to the real estate inside my local mall which the megacompany specific to my laptop sells its lifestyle brand out of and gave it to a system proprietary to the company. Repair complete, it was sent back to the store, and I went to go fetch it.

For once, this type of occurrence did not result in a massive loss of work for me. Even got to keep the bookmarks in my web browser, which is nice. The webcomics folder has gained some robustness. 


These days, I need to find the bottom again, as far as comics are concerned. The webcomics that were edge as fuck when I was pubin' are basically print monsters now, an established section on an established reef in the regulated ecosystem--or constellation, if you prefer--of our shared capitalistic algorithm. I feel reasonably confident that I am reading a lot of great webcomics, legit and a credit to the medium. They are not yet to that legendary status of like a KC Green funkopop, but because of how the environment is, they sell merchandise and to some degree could be called semipro; they have their own small share of a small fluctuating market. This means that they compete to achieve a standard, and collectivize based on these standards. This requires a sophistication apart from the medium itself, a social and communicative skillset which sets a certain tone. I have no problem with this, and love many of these comics, but I crave further varieties. Varietals.  

I know of a couple of aggregator sites that let me trawl a vast number of new amateur work which could never hope to sell a pin or t-shirt now or in the past but may be even now creating very worthwhile work and polishing their way into proficiency. Many of these will never represent more than zooplankton in this food chain, but what of it? Many suck so bad I want to die. Even this is worthwhile. Diatomaceous offal, decomposing flesh, and any number of biological wastes are one and all essential parts of any complex food web.


But where the new gangsters truly chillin? I feel I don't know. Thus, a need to dive to greater depths. 

Anyway, ok, yes, good, my laptop is working. I have been very busy with a lot of things. I should build my own computer. Get into data hoarding.


Peace and love and pink lemonade, all


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