Fine. I'll bite. You want some fucking opinions about Venezuela? You want someone to tell you what to think and feel about it even though there is but the slimmest chance that it is any of your motherfucking business or anything you could fucking hope to remotely comprehend or materially influence?
Look no god damn further.
It's like I just said. You don't fucking know. You don't understand Venezuelan history--did you look any up? Any at all? Did you even read the Wikipedia article? Was that utile, if you bothered?
There are no useful links. I'm not going to send you to a twenty-minute video that will succinctly and accurately sum up the situation because any such video is hollow propaganda.
Stuff like that is everywhere, the internet sits chin-deep in hideously gross oversimplifications and anti-history. I cannot comprehend why in the living devil motherfuckers consider themselves educated on a subject, matter, event, concept, text, or issue after ten minutes of reading, a conversation or two, and a half-hour of what passes for thought in such skulls.
No, I am not being an asshole! That was me being generous. Said motherfuckers usually just watch a single video, made by someone in the CIA, a troll, a communist, or a complex admixture of any of the aforementioned.
What do you truly know about past and U.S. activity in Venezuela specifically? What do you truly know about the people who live there? If it's direct witness or direct word of mouth, how big is your sample? What were their sources? How does their credibility rank, at a guess? Do you know for sure they were really there, or understand things competently themselves? If you're relying secondhand, on reporting or writing or hearsay, what were sources of the reporting, how biased their publication, who paid them, who funds the publication? Did you bother to check? Do you really know what it means to be "on the left" in that country? In that sphere of influence? What do you know about each dictator specifically? Do you know the actual, full, complete story of La Revolución Bolivariana? How about the big one, Bolívar's actual revolution, and what it accomplished, and how? You know who Andrés Bello is? You know if that's a relevant question? How about economics? How much oil, when did it become an issue, what lake does it come from, what are the problems with that? What's the other main export? The staple crop? The GDP before Chavez and what happened after? How about the GDP before Caldera? You know who Rafael Caldera was, what his policies were like? What do you know about the post-Chavez strikes? About the news on the ground day after day, month after month? You follow that news pretty carefully as it happened for the last nineteen years? You know the current "government" is the Fifth Republic, right? What can you tell me about the other four? Were there really four? Who is Aquiles Nazoa? How about Antonio Arraiz? How many native Venezuelan tribes can you name? What year was the country founded? What was Nicolás Maduro's job before he became president? What is the name of the mountain north of the capital? What is the name of the tallest waterfall in the world, and where is it? Here's a clue: it's not in fucking Cuba. If you think you know the answer--do you know its real name? What do you know about the Venezuelan prison system? The school system? About Venezuelan public transportation, Venezuelan bureaucracy, its culture, its demographics? You know there's a German mining company at the source of the largest river in the country (know its name?) fucking it up mining some gold? What company? Why German? What is the history of German naturalists exploring Venezuela and its ramifications? What year was Venezuela "discovered" and by whom? What country has supplied Venezuela with the jets for its air force? Why do Venezuelans eat so much pasta--when they can get it? Is there still racism in Venezuela? How is it different and similar to racism where you live?
Don't know where to stop, but I could go on. I could ask you questions until my fingers bleed. How many answers do you really, truly believe you possess, and if it's actually a lot, so what? That makes you right? And if you're right--fucking somehow--so what?
Hopefully you're starting to come around to my point. You don't know shit. You're not fucking qualified. And if you are, you're probably not on Twitter talking about it, you're doing a real fucking job that takes up too much time and effort for you to participate in the masturbatory punishment chatter war that is ripping apart the collective psyche. Soon we will be no more than particularly violent gibbons, screaming particularly ugly sounds.
Okay. Okay. Now. Please listen carefully. This part is what I really want to say.
Nothing is ever as simple as the corporate headline, the great leader, or the social alphas in your politically-charged echo chamber make it out to be. They make that shit seem simple in order to control you, which is to say, in order to use you, which is to say, to dehumanize and abuse you in order to profit off your ignorance and gain power from your manipulated acquiescence.
Whatever they are talking about, whatever they are saying, that is the game, and you are the piece.
Well! I don't think I actually need to write anything else except
I'm talking to other Venezuelan immigrants! I'm talking to immigrants at large! I'm talking to U.S. citizens! I'm talking to ALL OF YOU, EVERY LAST ONE
by all that is holy, don't you have your own problems?
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