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Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Welcome to a new internet blog. I have commenced this blog in order to draw attention to my literary activities.

My activities, as related to this blog--and to you, dear reader, as a consumer--consist of creating bodies of text, available for incorporation into any assemblage. They can be found for sale at what I hope is a very reasonable and not at all arrogant price through here.

There! A hyper-link, and some words. That is an honest sell with its best foot forward and a twinkle shining in its eye. An aggressive, even penetrating twinkle; perhaps even a gleam. Can you feel the gleam? Click the link. Feel free to immediately take that action.

Now, to increase the value of your time, I shall share with you a small anecdote, as thanks for reading as far as you have, and as a "teaser" for forthcoming delights.


An old friend of mine once vomited about two pounds of fettuccine noodles onto the roots of a tree in my front yard. The noodles were whole, bleached, and covered in a clear gummy slime. The time was one o' clock in the morning, and we had been drinking brown liquor and watching premium television programs. I cleaned that stuff up later on, around dawn, before most of the neighbors were up.


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