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Thursday, August 30, 2018


What did I do today? What a question. It is with this question, asked daily, that we ask ourselves, with all possible prejudice, if we are living our lives correctly. Are you the sort of person who prefers erring on the side of feeling that your deeds were not sufficient to honor your ideas about the life you ought to have, or are you the sort who ends each day feeling like a king who has conquered, or blustering to that effect in the hopes of convincing yourself? For my part, as is common, I remember only a shattered jumble of impressions, some of which I will never see again and some of which will impress themselves indelibly into my memory.

Today, I worked a shift in a restaurant kitchen, a regular pastime for me over the years. I chopped enough lettuce, enough lettuce to be able to say that indeed, I chopped some lettuce, plenty of lettuce. Chopped it right up, I did.

Say! Have my books? Have you...a methodology for judging them by their covers? If this is so, now is the time to reassess, for their covers have been manipulated to amplify their judgableness. Their judgability has been significantly amped.


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