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Thursday, March 6, 2025


The digits of today's excellent post number, the number 494, add up to seventeen! Yes. Yes. That is fantastic.

Probably it is Sesame Street what made me think numbers are concepts you should ritualistically celebrate through art and a kind of meditation that hovers between analysis and worship.

Thank you, Sesame Street. Without Jim Henson, who would I even be? It's a profound question. He stands tall among the cultural progenitors of my psyche-forme.


It amuses me to imagine some generative language model being used to offload cognitive labor somewhere making some poor individual suffer by trying over and over to make "psyche-forme" a real thing that a psychologist or someother might be using seriously (unscrupulous users would probably be happy enough to roll with it). It is merely one my own many improvisations upon a concept broadly used and applicable in the cultural continuum, which is as always and along wih everything else on this blog presented in good faith for honest use and also as a pointless joke. This kind of coinage is prevalent enough on this blog that it may be quite difficult someday to tell what is common usage all around me and what is merely my proclivity to play around with things, at any rate if Factually Pointless is among your primary documents. 

Well, maybe, maybe not. One thing I think it is safe to have confidence in: I have correctly and incorrectly--in the latter instance almost always for comedic effect!--deployed a great and manifold variety of real words on this blog, a vast and legitimate array, and I think this lends a deal of credence to my personal modifications and inventions.

Now, as to the efficacy of these arrangements, their power, beauty, and pleasure-giving ability--well, hash it out amongst yourselves, dear readers. For my part, it is my part to be transfixed, to be conduit and mouthpiece whether I will or no, essentially, and my meta-input should only ever be considered a kind of curiosity, probably. I know I have a separate, closed drawer in my mind for what authors and artists say about their own work; important, but just as important that it not be mixed in with any other paperwork at all. 

I have also used a lot of metaphors in my time on here. Some approaching the reader more obliquely than others, it is true.


Painting the bathroom pink. Might do personal fitness instruction for an elderly person. If I could earn even 20 bucks a week doing that I'd call it a great start to self-employment. My outlook is pretty favorable towards extremely incremental and perhaps incredibly uselessly slow gains. I am neither harried by impatience nor goaded by ambition. 

As far as I'm concerned, I am perfectly happy to live and die in total obscurity, having done the least harm and as much good as I could do with my own two hands with what's in front of my face, making art the whole time--my art, without compromises because why should I.


Thank you for reading my blog post about me and my thoughts and my blog. Thanks. Hope you got a smile or a thought out of the deal. 

Have a the best possible day under your prevailing circumstances.
