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Wednesday, March 26, 2025


The third best webcomic as stated on the "links" area of Factually Pointless is drawing to a close--Unsounded, by Ashley Cope. It is a fantasy graphic novel. In my rough and humble estimation, Unsounded represents the pinnacle of the field and indeed, the genre. This is all information that I have relayed to the reader before in this space. It's really the best webcomic; all three of them are and I should probably even link a few more.

Anyway, the reader may be further interested to know that I have had to step away from my computer just to messily weep--and had to walk away again when I came back because I, a grown man who has buried friends and family in the cold earth, the winner and loser of hundreds of knock-down-for-blood physical battles and other hardcore-type confrontations, was in fact not ready and started to cry again as soon as I laid eyes on it. The last twenty-odd pages of this work of art have been an emotional experience so intense that I am actually kind of scared for myself, for the author, and for all of us who have followed this tale to its transformative crescendo.

But I am also ready.


Apropos of what I was saying yesterday, these drooling godforsaken orcs are pulling the devil's own trick around here, "arresting" people for "antisemitic" behavior and holding them without a charge after whisking them away in an unmarked van. Deporting people beause--why? State secrets. You know what that is? That is gestapo shit. That is gulag, fucking deep up the ass of the iron curtain dictatorship-style shenanigans and they are an unmistakable sign that your civil society is about to break down into militarized terror-fascism. Well, open militarized terror-fascism.

I refuse to equate saying that Israel is doing genocide in Palestine with antisemitism. At best, I will modulate the word "genocide" to "inexcusable war crimes carried out in full recognition of the fact." The inclusion of genocide might be a part of that. Not for me to say legally. As far as I'm concerned, if your warmaking incurs this many civilian casualties and this kind of destruction of life-supporting infrastructure, I don't care if it is because your opponent is flaying innocent people alive and wearing their skins around as a disguise. You are not trying hard enough. Plus you are having people do the settling thing as it all happens. Difficult to look away from that, I guess. I call it genocide. Call me what you want about it, except an antisemite. Bullshit

Anyone can do genocide. I wish suffering genocide erased your capacity for genocide, but if it worked that way, we would have left all that shit behind long, long ago.

Genocide is about groups and power, that's it. That's all. Groups and power. Strip everything away, all the nonsense and the propaganda, and you will see very clearly what is happening.

No one has to seek justification or revenge. We just need to demand that it stop. That it stop and not resume. 

Fight a war like it is 2025 and you give a fuck. This is a plea. I really believe that a different strategic philosophy could yield surgical success while minimizing casualties. If I am wrong, I would love to ever see a cogent argument that can prove how bombing the living shit out of hospitals is better than not doing that. Variations on whether they deserve it, fuck their hospitals, etc. are not valid to me.

Solutions that maximize the well-being of both groups as they curtail bad actors and work towards resolutions that point confidently towards lasting peace are about all that I'm accepting at the front desk these days. Oh, is that difficult? Fuck me, guess I'm being unreasonable.


Circling back to the domestic picture, this shit? Masked whoever-the-fucks who don't show a badge whisking people--people known to be harmless--away at 5:30 p.m. off a public sidewalk, no charges filed in any system? They're on a list for something they wrote? 

People need to understand. This is what they do to their own populations in "third world countries" because the Central Intelligence Agency taught them how because they learned it from the Soviets who had it from the Nazis who believed deeply in Teutonic methodologies for unearthing witches and demons.

And by the way! The incompetence and stupidity are part of it! Do not mistake them. The imbecilic blunders are calculated, their chaos and weakness planned, and they are a smokescreen for the deeds done in the dark with perfect competence and deadly intent. Mark me on that, if nothing else in this scribble*.

People absolutely need to understand that every single day that they do this shit and get away with it, it takes one more year to get things back to something resembling a free state and a civil society. And they absolutely need to understand that it is never stays at the level it is or pulls back by itself, but always, always ramps up, always always. They move the schedule along and before you could react--how? the news didn't say it was going to happen--it is having to wear government-issued badges or get arrested off the street, it is armed checkpoints between neighborhoods that were never walled and are now walled, and people disappearing all the time for stuff they said or might have said or for no fucking reason; they will disappear a grandmother just to keep a neighborhood on its toes, just to scare a grandson into silence because they need him where he is. They will lynch people to make examples and there will always need to be examples made until one day there are no more examples and it's the muzzle of a gun for every single person and eventually themselves. That's how these death-cults finish. Bullets and poison and whole countries burning.

They will eat this place alive from the inside out so that when some outside force comes to put a stop to it it will all collapse inward like a rotten pumpkin and the stench of the grave will rise to the heavens. Or it will get so bad, so unbelievably bad--no one would have believed how bad it would get, they will say, but they had precedent to look at and I am saying it now: it will get so bad that it will topple from the inside, but you will not believe how bad it would have to get before that happens. It rarely does, you see. People will tell you things are fine well beyond the previous limits of your imagination. You might hear it out of your own mouth, and somewhere deep inside you, your past self will scream in horror--and you will pretend not to hear.

This is not a partisan thing. When things are this crazy, the pendulum swing back to the opposite pople has an excellent chance to be even crazier. Terror fascism is bad, but it's not worse than terror collectivism. I mean, they are the same, a profoundly intertwined dipole. Wish it hadn't somehow become controversial to present that fact. It's in Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain and it has stayed true. 

To me it does not matter if my face is ground into a filthy poster of DJT before they put the barrel to the back of my neck, or a filthy poster of AOC. Both of these parasites are the same to me, save that one is--like Taylor Swift--roughly my age and will likely fuck up my patience for a long time yet, and one is a doddering mummy kept alive only by high-quality cocaine, spray-tan preservatives, and the warm blood of the young. End of the day, both are merely stand-ins for elemental human forces; not to deny them their basic humanity, but history hands us each our roles and that's that, I suppose.

Think that it is not real or not your problem all you want. Think yourself a beneficiary? Look, I'm trying to lend emphasis, but I'm not screaming or shaking or anything. I am speaking to the best of my knowledge and the direct experience of one whose life has been defined by these social realities when I say that the chances are low in the extreme that the direction things are taking is good or healthy for anybody, even and maybe especially those calling most ardently for it to happen and those making it happen or aiding and abetting.

Conversely, if you are letting yourself become radicalized to the point that staring into this abyss has given birth to a dragon in your spirit, best quench yourself before you fuck everything up for everyone.

What we need--again!--is to stop for a minute.

Call it harebrained, but I finally came up with something resembling a cogent solution, at least for the issues facing the United States. It's dramatic, which I feel fitting, but probably impossible to pull off and maybe no one would want this, but I've been mulling over a few years now and I think it might be time to say fuck it and throw it at the (obscure, unobserved) wall and see if it sticks (it will not).

Nationwide truth and reconciliation hearings, at the community, town, city, county, state, and regional level. Our groups and classes need to reckon with the past interactions of power between them. Understanding must be found, between the people and by the people. Dragged to it if need be, but these conversations must be had. The truth must set us free. It is time for all the sweet-sounding prophecies to salve our brows, but we must reach out to one another in order to accomplish this. 

The impetus for this great undertaking will be a parallel undertaking of equal scale, scope, and impossibility: it is time to call a fresh constitutional convention, with a delegate stucture that shatters the two-party system and replaces it with a more modern solution in one fell swoop as it drafts a constitution modified, condensed, and expanded to steer the nation into this millenium. 

A non-partisan and bipartisan referendum government should be installed in order to handle the maintenance of services rendered unto the people and the operation of the courts and military, but congress and the executive will be suspended until the production of a restructured model for their operational scope. The opportunity should be especially taken to curtail corporate power, especially as concerns interactions of corporate behavior and species-defining data processes and the guidance of technological paradigms. 


Hey man, if I'm crazy--isn't it still pretty much worth the moonshot? I'm aware that there are countable infinities of details, problems, and impossibilities in the way of this, but I also know that summarized like this in three paragraphs, it makes a decent pitch if you've got the balls to want to try it. I would hope a lot of people had those kinds of balls, but who knows. Plus crazier things have worked. It can be suprising what people will agree to, and what energy that fresh direction can produce.


Though we are not like to find out. In truth we will all likely be living under a Chinese proxy state soon enough.

Just had the need, the desperate futile drive, one last time I hope, to call it out as it is happening and say what could be done. I'll try to go back to farting out bullshit and talking about all the dang books I read and video games I piss my life away with. That's my whole plan of action through all this, by the way; that and painting. 

Ever a wastrel of no regard or influence, me, but these days, that could still get a guy in a lot of trouble, huh?

whatever like I give a shit. proxy state more like pussy state amirite boiz


*seriously, remember that

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