Ah, 343! Faithful, longtime readers--as opposed to you malodorous, scrambling NOOBS--welcome--will know how I feel about numbers like 343. You TINY NOOBLETS, slimy with amniotic fluids and slippery with vernix, would do well to peruse the archives, but I'll let you in on it here: I like numbers that are symmetrical, numbers that are palindromes. I like the numbers 11 and 7, and their combinations. I like numbers whose digits add up to another cool number--in this case, 10. Also, 343 Industries has made or helped make the best Halo games, so, y'know, hooray for today, and a tip of the pen to them. It may be true that they have also made some Halo games that are not so good, but that there are two sides to everything is part of the point of this paragraph. So there you have...that.
Most importantly and specially, at least as far as this blog and its author are concerned, this post is the one in which I get to announce to you all that I have at last, at long last, completed my next book, which I have so often stated was very nearly done. The case was simply that the completion of it was impossible until this last month and particularly these past couple of weeks, which have seen a galavanization unto finishing, editing, and creating the book, leaving me exhausted and delirious.
Always I consciously forget--but apparently, my body does not--how profoundly exhausting, how great the physical and spiritual cost is for the conduit in order for me to finish a book.
But that matters not! My new book, The Tetrahedron: Three Forms Towards a Complex Philosophy of Infinity is done, past the review process, and in the publishing process. The kindle version is already live, the paperback should be available for purchase, and soon, dear reader, you shall be able to hold it in your hands, read the words inside of it, and hate me for the rest of your life. That last bit is just a fear, not a design feature. Yet if it must be, it must be. Crammed full of my latest concepts and oldest obsessions, exhibiting the greatest scope and degree of my powers, The Tetrahedron is on some fucked up shit. Do give it a whirl.
If you are one of the strange few who enjoys it when I wax philosophical or make bold assertions in the blog, you will be well-rewarded. I believe I prove very handily that I keep the really good shit for the paying customers. It makes a good start.
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