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Tuesday, December 26, 2023


It being my preference not to see many people, talk to many strangers, or engage in group activities, it follows that long, long times can stretch themselves out before I have to handle a dude. What do I mean?

Personally, I try not to make myself other people's problem. That's the type of dude I am. There a lot of kinds of dudes, not only two, but the reason people use that expression is to illustrate the starkness of the comparison: another type of dude tries, everywhere he goes and with few breaks, to make himself other people's problem. Those dudes want to either win or be handled, and insufferably, if handled, also win. Dudes like me, dudes that don't want to make themselves problems and whose affliction is further compounded by the ailment of feeling like they need to solve problems (and answer questions), especially when no one else can or will, often have to handle this other type of dude, but ever-fleeting victory so rarely brings any degree of pleasure that it is functionally nothing but an imposition. That's what I mean.

I used to have to handle dudes all the fucking time. It is simultaneously ponderously dull, like I wish I could fast-forward the whole process, and extremely stressful, because you might (you usually don't, but you might) have to fight another person, and that means someone could (usually they don't but they could) die. So your body's doing the whole fight/flight, which is too much, frankly. Let that be a young man's game, while they're trapped in all that anyway.

So a guy's a fucking douchebag. Why does it have to be my problem? I dunno. If I'm not around, it's not. If it's the internet, it's not, plus the most total victory is ignoring them anyway. If it's right there in my fucking face, it just is. It's just how I'm built. Douchebag around where I can't see you if you don't want me in your face.

Part of the problem of the whole thing is that nothing ever ends, and consequences are ripples, not development on a straight plot line. So solving or even moving to adress problems can cause further problems, invisible problems, future problems, collateral damage, etc. If I didn't care about causing people problems, and only cared about solving problems, that wouldn't matter. But I'm both. This effectively doubles the stress and makes me have to work harder to handle dudes in an aikido rather than total warfare style; manipulate aggression and transfer its force away from what you want to protect. Back at the aggressor, or in a direction which neutralizes them. I have had to study what makes a douchebag a douchebag, the psychology of it all, and had to compose a whole library of tactics, deflections, and processes by which to keep them in as much check as possible without letting things erupt into violence or other breaches of the social contract. 

The best tools are delicate, subtle. A smile, a certain type of eye contact. A comment, spoken in a low and even tone, followed by a glance. Folding your arms across your chest at precisely the right moment can shut a dude down, if you studied the situation out correctly. 

Dudes may go around thinking they love trouble. Because of how the world is, they're rarely disabused of the notion. If you can remind them that there's trouble out there that they can't handle if they don't cut the bullshit--and there is, no matter how high and mighty a motherfucker thinks he is--you almost always already won.

But all victories last only their own moment. Victory is a a birth and a death in one. The next moment is already part of the next contest, or conflict. 

That's another reason I'm always wary about leaving the house. It's like Bilbo Baggins says: some shit that had nothing to do with you in the morning can own your ass by nightfall.


No serious conflict darkened my personal doorstep yesterday or anything, by the way. It was quite a bloody Christmas overall, it seems to me, but my day was untroubled in the main, except by that fact. And one dude who is a memeber of my husband's family being kind of a dick. I was chill, I smiled, but I said what needed to be said and I looked him in the eye. So surely, inexorably, somehwere down the line there will be an escalation, and I will have to actually handle him, because after all family is family and the only way to really handle dudes is to teach them, if you can, to be better, to help them see that a fool is a doomed fool unless he makes a change.

Related note: making fun of people for laughing aloud, for laughing loudly, for visibly experiencing strong feelings of joy and amusement, well, that's about as stupid as low-level, baby-demon-type bullshit gets. Petty emotional fascism on the level of poking someone and not stopping when they ask you to stop. Petty, yes, but to me it feels like a massive crime, a huge problem in the collective unconscious. Fucking...if you find yourself punishing or shaming joy, take as penetrating a look at yourself as you can. Please.

Learn to laugh out loud whenever you want to and to let others, let everyone in the world laugh the same way. I beg of you. It is important. It is not a small thing.

The best, most complete handling of a situation, of a person creating a situation, is healing. That is the opimal, master-level handling that we must pursue in all our dealings, our labors, our constests and conflicts.


Sunday, December 24, 2023


Factually Musical 2023 is slated to end today. This has been excellent, for me anyway. It's what I wanted and didn't get from Album Week 2019, and it's what I was pursuing with all subsequent installments of Album Week, but could only grasp fleetingly.

Maybe it didn't make a ton of difference to you, dear reader, and maybe it did, but writing, though ostensibly much more about symbols and ideas than music is reckoned to be, is really identically all about feelings, because feelings are after all the only really real thing in this embodied existence we are consigned to. Factually Musical 2023 has felt incredible to generate. I hope that comes through. Tempted, and sorely, to kick off the nascent year with Factually Musical 2024, because I have a ton more ideas I didn't get to discuss and maybe I don't want them to have to wait very long.

It's Christmas Eve. Didn't plan this at the outset because I have been extremely unstuck in time, extremely chronoaberrant, but I realized what had happened and of course today's post will center on Christmas music.


A subject with some trauma around it! How many people do you think made it as far as this sentence? Let's acknowledge this: way more people spent their larval stages listening to Christmas music than are willing to tolerate even the concept of it as fully developed insects.

You can blame the fall of man, the decay of any given church/society, the gay agendas and the wars on Christmas if you want, but I blame retail environments. I also blame the Coca-Cola company and Sears and Roebuck back in the day ands a whole other slew of commercial shit plus ecosocioreligious and legal shit, none of which is the point: let's stay with retail environments and the pathetic disgusting fucking crack of an asshole Christmas music they dump into our ears like sun-warmed chumcum*.

Oh! And the Santa Lie. I'm not going to be gentle: you gotta be a fucking moron to continue to propagate that shit. The Santa lie is responisble for everything the tellers of the lie find abhorrent in the post-reveal behavior of their progeny and of the direction this nation of liars has taken (the logical consequence of fucking telling yourself and your children lies upon lies upon lies, all the fucking god damn time. Merry Fucking Christmas).

The so-called cooperative I used to work at didn't play any holiday music at all. Same shit all year. No offense to anyone, ever, no matter what. Customers would complain aggressively if a neophyte put Chrismas music on the system. It was that kind of place, in that kind of town.

Sinatra and Crosby are bearable, also that guy that inspired Dino Spumoni in Hey Arnold!. I don't love their Christmas music any more than I love when a contemporary music star puts out something forgettable and mercenary for the post-holiday paycheck, but the old crooners don't get played as much in your average store or market, is why when my mom wants to put those CD's on, I don't pitch a fit or anything. Honestly though the arrangements are not very inspiring and it's not exactly like the dudes are being their most authentic selves out here with these empty-minded, watered-down little covers and children's songs. A whole generation disagrees, you say? They ate and breathed a lot of fucking lead coming up, I reply. I may have plastic all throughout my body and even my cells, but at least I'm not medically brain-damaged and only treated as normal because my entire cohort is too.

Just kidding! Every living thing has trace lead too. Mercury, other heavy metals. Down beneath the plastic, holding hands with PFAS in the bloodstream and the folds of the brain. Party down, fuckers! We're the poisoned billions! We might be beyond help! Woooooooo!


Ok, time to skew positive. Well, my highly subjective version of positive. At any rate that's quite enough vitriol, thank you. 

John Denver and The Muppets made a Christmas record which is the first CD I remember putting in myself and which is the first music I remember dancing all-out to and crying a little about. It's a big deal to me, maybe I've mentioned it before. The Christmas music Sufjan Stevens puts out has been much more important and vital to me than any of his other music. From actual arrangements of  Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker" to all kinds of arrangements for all kinds of versions of The Nutcracker and The Mouse King, those are definitely some kind of Christmas music. Music made for adaptations off Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas, including the--to my mind--critically underrated and misunderstood Ron Howard version, definitely Christmas. The jazz continuum offers a lot of great options besides that, including--I'll allow it, I have to admit I've gotten down to it--Harry Conick Jr.  

On that note, deserving its own paragraph, The Peanuts Christmas Special may be the most genius Christmas music ever made, one of the best Christmas things ever as a whole.


Something that seems like quite the opposite of that but, you know, music is music and it's all kind of the same no matter how different it seems. 

M. Loer is a name and a place and it is definitely not Christmas music, but it's something else, somethings ranging from two-hour sound collages exhibiting the vastness of an empty atmosphere being filled slowly with the birth shrieks of an unthinkable pandemonium or short experiments largely consisting of overloading circuitry just enough to destroy the reality of the sound recording and substitute a new and substantially less predictable one. 

Len and I did indeed get together and record more sounds, very different than anything on the channel but we will see how it sounds once he's done tinkering with it and if he decides to post any of it. On some of the slightly older videos, I am featured as Ahrimanic Cathedral. It's the best name I could come up with in the middle of thinking about a bunch of other stuff. 


The full library of Christmas songs, if such a thing were realized, would contain, I think, among the most beautiful compositions and performances of music through the course of history. Sacred music of any description contains within in a mote of the sublime, no matter how bastardized or mangled. You know, even that shit I hate so badly that they pump over the radio like with a grown woman singing like a five-year old some lyrics about putting Santa's cock in her chimney or whatever, if they bring people the feelings of Christmas that they need, then I accept them. I let it go. Is Frozen Christmas music? If you need it to be. 

Sanctity is just like that. May you have, despite all these bastards and all this mangling, a Merry Christmas, and may the new year see our feasting and bring itself around.

The long night is behind us, and new life ahead. 


*chumcum is chum, which is basically whatever solid waste you are able to dump into a bucket once you've finished swabbing the deck of fishing boat plus raiding the kitchen trash cans for anything compostable, with human seminal emissions mixed in. It's a lot more appetizing than the Christmas songs you're likely to hear in the average shopping environment from the first of november to about sometime in February.

Saturday, December 23, 2023


Yeah, I'll get in here. I'm hot now, I guess. They say to strike while the iron is hot, and I want to, but I'm the iron. Right? I'm the hot one. So indeed, it is my own body, my own spirit that I must strike, like a great tongueless iron bell, with a mighty iron hammer, to bring forth the deep ringing iron tones that let a motherfucker know what time it is and that time is time for




My preference is largely to work things out for myself. It's much more laborious and uncertain for me to play well with others, agree with them, take part in joint endeavors. I do my best, when the season for an attempt is ripe, and these have borne important fruits, but I prefer to read and think and develop on my own, perhaps reasoning aloud into a liminal yet public space. 

Factually Pointless is for public consumption, free to all though partly (fundamentally) owned by Alphabet, doubtlessly scraped by algorithms and programs in order to teach themselves how to accelerate global decay--and all are welcome to these materials in their own way, I suppose, since I think of them as a gift and a service which may be utilized or refused by the recipient with full respect to their agency. For all that, it is also a tool I use whose mechanism is, for most people, private: to grapple with my secrets and how the world impacts me emotionally. It is a messy place, especially for those trained to believe that we are the gleaming, perfect surfaces we present to the world and use to sell products and services, rather than hairy meaty bags of blood and shit that think they think.

Also, to sharpen my knives before I use them on the True Work, That Which One Paywalls.

Suppose my most concentrated point with all this is to state that my views do not represent those of my associates, friends, etc. Just me. 


Oh, music! Well, today I'm going to actually play instruments with my friend that I wrote about maybe doing a band with. The show, very predictably, fell through. I said it probably would and it did, and good riddance. But now that I'm hot again, rather than unbearably depressed, injured, ill, or a variable combination of the three, we can at least get together and make some horrible noises. He's got a youtube channel on which I have already featured; today we shall generate more such voyages through the land of...whatever it is we call what we make. It's a complicated string of terms, the kind of thing where Len offers up exhaustive lists of equipment used and how it was modified and the way it was hooked up just so in order to create the sound of a a billion trillion shards of glass blowing in an unchanging titanic wind across the surface of a dead and blasted, totally carbonized world. Somewhere there is a throne, a great scorched twisted thing lashed together with filthy bones and ichor-splattered carapaces that defy human description, and seated on that throne, Moloch Angrenach, who has defied every death that can kill a god, whose empty, gnawing hunger is as endless and immeasurable as the depths of lightlessness before the world was thought of.

I'll put up a link to Len's channel tomorrow. It'll go better with what I'm thinking for that post. 


What else about music? Sticking with the personal and literal situations of music, my bass, Stray Dog, is still missing his E string, and this week I realized the strings on him are older than my marriage. Ezra might get me some for Christmas, apparently. That'll be revolutionary. Maybe I'll have Len fix the E peg and have a fully-strung bass for the first time in at least seven years. Whoa! I better fuckin watch it. Gonna get too fancy and let the devil in my house.


Friday, December 22, 2023


"Now listen/look here you son of a bitch/BITCH--"

That's always the sign that a threshold crossed, here in America. A trespass flagged. In response, we go straight for the mother/bloodline/patriarchal brainwashing, but first, we draw the attention of the trespasser and we choose a hook sense--a little modifier that can mean a lot about the situation and the speaker. Our local preoccupation with the word "bitch", a love affair that stretches back several decades and doesn't look to be losing any heat, is a whole other can of bitches.

Jokes aside, patriarchal brainwashing can parenthetize the whole preceding, it seems to me.

Cool! That's all I have to say about that today. Next item of business:



[unchain the sex machine]


Would it have been funny to say "unchain the sex machine, bitch?" Perhaps [unchain the sex machine (bitch)], that's what I originally thought of. Well, no way in fuck is it funny like this! I also thought about doing "...patriarchal brainwashing[mother/bloodline]" because it is more precise, but it reads better as is. 


So there had been a pile of nailed-together rotted shit that'd called itself a deck for ten years, and we as a familial household had agreed as a courtesy. My dad had decided this was the summer something got done about it. He's gotten a book about building your own deck from the orange-themed home improvement superstore--overkill, since we'e just refurbishing, but more is better, after all. He's got lumber and tools. He's got a son that has proven degenerate, a drug-addled, sex-crazed, aberrant and out-of-control college-ditching pile of feral reactions. In his masculine wisdom, he knows to aim for several birds with each stone cast. The labor will fall to me, under his expert direction. Even if it doesn't get my head straight, which it might (dudes are weird), he'll have done his part, won't have strained his ass, and by hook or crook, the deck will get done.

Summer 2009 was real hot and sunny, which was good. I wanted it blazing down on me without pause the whole time I was out there. I wanted it to lay me low if it could, knock me on my ass, kill me on the spot. Failing that, as I knew it would and made even more spiteful by the knowledge, I wanted to sweat. I wanted to sweat till I couldn't wear a shirt, till it rolled off my nose in fat drops and I was acclimated to the stinging in my eyes.

Clawing nails out of rotten lumber so I could tear it down board by board, getting underneath the fucker to shore it up and replace the rotten supports with fresh new ones, scraping the old paint off the entire thing, hammering in the new lumber, building benches that formed a barrier around the platform instead of the former railing the weather had already mostly destroyed, taking out a worm-and-ant-eaten decorative pillar attached to where the corner of part of the condo overhung the deck, and finally repainting the entire mess with primer and two coats. The whole time, my old silver 160GB iPod that had been my eighteenth birthday present played through my old silver Bose wraparounds that had been my first purchase with my own money from working a job after I'd turned eighteen played me my music, the music I needed at that time. I was going to be twenty that autumn. 

Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Tampa Red, Ma Rainey, Blind Willie McTell, Charley Patton, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Lightning Hopkins. Some others that escape me at the moment and which I haven't yet put on my iMusic, although my mom did recently find my old music files--gigs of the stuff--which should have it all and who knows what else I've forgotten. Out of that, I depended mostly Johnson, Muddy, and Red. Woulda listened to John Lee Hooker, but I didn't have any of his stuff in my posession then. I listened to The Mountain Goats, too, but that was about it. Tried listening to other stuff like Red Hot Chili Peppers and Beethoven and whatever else, tried, but couldn't. All pretty much hateful to me. Empty. False coin. 

All I wanted was them Blues. 


It was a hard summer. I felt so fucked up. I had crashed and I didn't know what I wanted to do next or if I wanted anything at all. Being in my parent's house was chafing, but egress seemed impossible. When I wasn't working on the deck I'd go to the library at the community college under my mom's orders to keep my mind alive and see if I could think about preparing to take classes there. Read a cool book of all kinds of essays about The Iliad. Read a textbook on electrical engineering. Read Thomas Wolfe's You Can't Go Home Again, since it seemed relevant at that particular moment (it kind of wasn't, but it was a pretty good book).Wrote some poems. Stared out the skylights and listened to the Blues.

Finished learning to drive that summer. That fucking sucked, but at least the test was easy and I didn't have to take classes as a teenager. I hadn't learned to drive yet because not only did I bail on my parents teaching me because I couldn't handle it emotionally (because of their mishandled emotions), but I concluded also that if motherfuckers tried to make me sit in any more classes I was going to lose touch with reality completely and start gnawing on things--objects, other people, my own limbs--and screaming incessantly at the highest possible pitch if anyone dared disoccupy my mouth. 

Let me say this, to clarify unnecessarily: I had a very hard time being a teenager. I know most of us do. I know some of us die from it. I understand; in this life I have all but kissed death on the mouth.

In this life, I have been a stranger in a strange land, always, more stranger in more lands, even the land of time, border crossing after border crossing, visa passport greencard hullaballoo, bilingual alien both ways, stranger can't go home again, stranger sees what others can't, can be hurt by what others can't perceive, homebody has no home. Never did I feel it all more completely up to that point than working on that deck under the pulsing sunlight, with a life that I had purposefully crumpled up and tossed at my own feet.

It wouldn't be the last time, and it would be a lot worse some of the subsequent times, but I was just a boy. How was I to know? That one felt like the big one, and one of the only things I could hang onto was the Blues.


Guess that's one of the ways I know and feel myself to be American in the U.S.A. brand of it in a sense that is inviolable and legitimate. Legitimacy concerns immigrants greatly, perhaps overpoweringly. It follows that authenticity and identity are also huge concerns. This is 101 stuff, very entry level, but I want to afford as many entry points as possible that are straightforward because I'm gonna say some very complicated stuff today, sometimes plainly and sometimes obliquely, and I'm hoping to maximize my chances of being understood. 


The Mountain Goats led me to Robert Johnson when I was sixteen, closing in on seventeen. On Nothing For Juice, they cover "Hellhound on My Trail", one of my favorite covers of all time. The Johnson version is one of my favorite songs of all time. Many times I have salted the miles I walked with both versions, keeping moving, needing to keep moving.

It's the kind of writing and composition that I like. A variation strong enough to stand out and still be rooted in the core concept. And it haunts. It worries the footsteps. It is what it says. It tells a strained and off-center truth, and there's no escaping once you've heard it. Maybe it just tells you something you've always known.

Once I'd found Robert Johnson, the local library had me covered with a bunch of CD's, as they could so reliably be counted on to do; bluegrass, metal, or seventies funk. More from the Delta, Texas, Chicago, New Orleans, Florida--all these places had their old blues down in the dirt, and I went for it. Around this time I read that Chuck Klosterman essay where he talks about how the old acoustic scratchy recordings put him and a friend to sleep, but not being a sleepy person at all and less so when listening to any music unless I'm exhausted to the point of surrender, I could not relate. There was something there. I didn't get it yet, didn't fully understand why I liked what I was hearing so much, in the strum and thump of it, in the way the words came, the cadence, the tricks on the strings so subtle but changing everything one song to the next. Deeper, though, there was something pure and inviolable but also, again, down in the dirt there. It was a beauty that came from damage, from pain. It was a wholeness that came from being broken. I know what it is now and can name it easy, and if you don't know, look it up: that shit had duende. Duende up the ass. A deep and singular vein of the stuff. 


While I was still actually attending college my buddy (all the way back from the very first post! That buddy! Hahaha) and I discovered a shared love of the Delta, of Robert Johnson. His big Johnson song was "Terraplane Blues"; I suppose this preference must say something about both our similarities and differences. Through time and cultural investigations of the kind that make social engagements bearable to me, I came to gauge that he got a lot of his music shit from his older sisters, who were part of a cohort that were predominantly nonblack teenagers in the late nineties and whose cultural influence blanketed my town in the aughts. They got to the blues and reggae music through Bradley Nowell's lyrics, he of Sublime fame and the rock star that died at 26 instead of 27. The man was worshipped where I came up, far as we are from California. Take what you will from all that, I have my own feelings based on a whole lifetime dealing with the strange petri dish where I grew up.

At any rate, we discussed the Blues, the genre and concept and its history and philosophy at length, its strength and bewitchment, its power and beauty. Being musicians and at that "DEFINITELY make a project and be in a music thing" age, we even tried to play our own, me on my acoustic bass guitar and he on slide guitar and vocals. We tried to write originals, one of which was some good,  and had a cover of "House of the Rising Sun" that had some merit. Other than that we were kids on the playground fucking around with shit we didn't fully understand or respect quite enough, but that's the unskippable folly of youth. He also showed me Nina Simone and Billie Holiday, which was dope of him. 

So indeed, the Blues had figured largely in things closing in on that summer, but it was working on that deck under the sun that brought it home to me, that made it a part of me that runs as deep as any of the rest. A part of my dirt. Soil where I grow.


The cultural consumption of Blackness, of Black folks and the continuum of what they make to share and stay alive with, is some complicated fucking shit. Some people may have noticed that last post, in discussing pop music, I did not mention a single group or artist composed predominantly of people who are, was fronted by a person who is, or who simply is--nonwhite. Even though I mentioned groups from a few places around the world, from a lot of discrete origins and nationalities, even though being White is a made-up thing just as fake as being Black, and there is great diversity in the sample if you want it, the fact remains the fact--none of them are Black. Weird how that happens. 

How that plays out economically for people, I don't know for sure and that's not the purpose of this inquiry. The comparison between the label Pop and the label R&B is an old one with a lot of words gone under the talking bridge; money and race always seem to be a lot more the question than questions of composition or categorical qualifications, which makes a lot of sense because money and race and music are all real and emotionally loaded for practically every living person and composition, categorization, and classification are real and emotionally loaded for fewer people; I dare not guess the proportion, but it likely favors the former qualifier. To speak as reservedly as possible on the matter.

My point? My position? Well, I dunno about all that, but I explained all that about the Blues because I wanted to offer some snapshots that illustrate the question as something complex, subjective, and importantly, playing out over time. There's lots more to the story! Before and after. 

Guess my point, to strain the term, is that culture is a geography, on which we are all placed at birth. Just like existence itself, we did not make it, ask for it, or consent to be thrown into the middle of it, to be subjected to its inevitable and unavoidable forces. We did not consent to or ask for any of the things that serve to categorize or subdivide us in this culture and the cultures that comprise it. Things just are what they are.

Culturally speaking in this geographical sense, we all have to work hard and break a lot of rules just to see each other. Just for a chance at a glance. Therefore, it is much easier to make shit up to make our own lives easier, to steal and lie and cheat and build walls and mark borders and have wars about it all. It should be clear that a lot of what we grow up hearing about other people is propaganda. Even what we experience about "other" (all) people through the membranes and apertures of culture is propaganda. When I say propaganda, I mean the dissemination of sets of facts distorted in a calculated manner presented as social knowledge intended to homogenize opinion. Homogenized opinion is only homogenous because it has been manipulted to be so.

Throughout history, all peoples everywhere have received and been presented with lies and distorions about strangers when communicating about other places and the people who live there, lies and distortions that hurt all of us. That was just how the world had to be. It hasn't had to be that way for some time. Now it is like that because time has enthroned tiny and diverse ingroups dotted around the globe who profit immensely out of it, and whose influence is exerted to protect, refresh, reinvent, and reestablish those lies as completely as possible. They help each other knowingly and unknowingly. All the while, like soldiers, we die in the trenches while they sip their wine and look fondly on their children, who will send our children out to hate each other for no god damn reason. This also plays out literally with actual soldiers for actual territory. Indeed, we're at about the point where the metaphor and the literal things we are talking about become the same, but they always were: that's the power of a metaphor. 

No way around it: if we want a better idea about what's going on elsewhere, we have to actually go. 

To to traverse unpaved ground and cross borders in culture is a thing not easily done by all. To call yourself an explorer and possess the means to live up to the name even a little isa huge, crazy privilege, even these massively interconnected days. Terrain can be inaccessible, impossible to navigate, impossible to reach, impossible even sometimes to imagine. There are gates, there are unmarked dangers, there are monsters, traps, paper oceans of outdated maps. Most importantly, there are forces arrayed to keep like with like and all feet on preapproved toll roads. And to arrive and be somehwere is not the same as having been born there and cannot be, even if you are not a tourist or a seeker of capital/clout, even if you were brought, even against your will, even if you came with every intention of being the same or even more than born there, however that's supposed to work: we'll find out how and make it work. But it's not how things work. More's the pity.

However, we were all born on the same planet. We might act like that counts for something. Geographically and all.

At any rate, whether we succeed in getting somewhere is entirely dependent on our will to do so, and what we get out of it is entirely dependent on our ability to be receptive and open to information that may destroy our worlds and even our sense of self. You may have to stretch your mind in a way that you would never dream of stretching your body, for you would break every bone in it and turn inside out. 

That discomfort is how we gain ground. That discomfort is how we dissolve barriers and actually get a shot in at the bastards who keep us down with their boots on our throats. Please help each other see this. Not just the people you think need to see it; you too, your friends, your family, again, over and over, because it's not going to be over, not while we draw breath, not while the story's still happening. Because that little precious bit of ground is hard to keep and easy to lose.

Ok. I'll be done. It's simple: if you listen to music influenced by Black folks, and you do, because human music was very probably heard for the first time on this planet in Africa, because American music has influenced music all over the planet and modern American music is uniformly influenced by the Blues, by Jazz, by Disco and Funk and Hip-Hop, and that is facts--then you should understand that a choice lies before you: stay where you are and drink water stolen from another person's mouth, or uproot painfully and go thirsty as long as they go thirsty because you understand that you are kin, that you are in this thing together no matter what tries to keep you apart. Understand that your skin is in the game. So you will feel pain where there was no pain before. So you will lose a lot of comfort that you had before. So you will understand better the kind of world we live in, the kind of people we can be if we try and the kind of people we could be, if we're not careful. 

Is that too personal? Squeamish? I'll share some undeserved pity: literally the absolute least that you can do is put your own mess to the side for sixty seconds out of one day, act like a human being, and see things from where other people are standing.

There is a payoff, too. Just as you will feel pain and frustration and just as you will find that once-welcoming places and comfortable atmospheres become hostile and inimical, just as you will no longer be able to relax the same way you once did, there will be joy where once joy was impossible, was inaccessible. There will be love and peace within you that you did not know was possible. There will be a new world for you to explore, and that world will be bigger and more beautiful than the one you left behind. That is my promise to you, a fucking promise, and I never promise for shit. But I promise that because that shit is a guarantee.

Ok. For real. The consumption of cultural production whose means and products are tethered to racist ideations and inequitable economic and social structures bears with it a call to responsibility. This call may go unheard, it may be ignored. If heard, the hearer can only respond to it with the tools they have, at the pace that is possible, under conditions that they are subject to as an individual. This is a process which may be long and have setbacks. We are all in it together.

One day, maybe, our shared culture can be a reflection of God, a fractal of the infinite universe which is the seed and realization of infinite possibilities in one: an allness which is one and a oneness which is all. Until then, we do what we can, what we must, as we are able, each of us a single scale reflecting the light of an infinite universe on the body of an infinite serpent flying through infinite time. And we are all the serpent, the infinite, and time.


Initially I thought this post was going to be a relatively simple tale followed by the proceeding discussion of this playlist I made last winter, but it turns out I had to get all that out of the way plus some stuff written below. You're probably reading this before that, of course, but you, dear reader, might be a maverick son of a bitch/bitch and I don't control you. You might have read the seventh paragraph first, then this one, and now you might skip to the end before reading the eleventh paragraph, and so forth. Anything is possible.

Presenting a brief on that simple genesis:

After living in the same town, more or less, for all my adult life, an accomplishment whose significance is keenly known by children who moved around a lot as kids and were sensitive to the drawbacks (there are, of course, good points to everything, but nothing is perfect, and pretending anything can be causes a huge amount of global suffering, to be frank), I had moved to the twin town. I'll just say it plain: it's much Blacker here. It's WAY more Poor White here. These are not reasons I tried to stay on the other side of town; as outlined in the opening sentence, I fought and moved and worked and struggled because I needed to keep to what I knew for once in my life, I needed to not deal with new geography, I needed to get good at what I'd been at for a while. Leaving for college was a fiasco, followed by a string of fiascos, and through them all I fought hardest for a single thing: one-dimensional geographical stability. Pathetic, but necessary.

Ironic, too, because I like it way better out here, am much more comfortable here. But there was a period after the exhaustion wore off and when the sun was shining down in the summer that was an emotional transition, and while I was listening to all kinds of music at work with my coworker as we washed school buses inside and out (a harrowing task, but one we got down to a science), while I was driving in my own car, I needed something else. 

So I made a driving playlist, which I shall roughly sketch out:

Quite a bit of Ray Charles, one from Dexter Gordon, a couple by The Meters, a few from Bukka White and Little Richard, a little more sizable a sample from Howlin' Wolf, most of two by Hound Dog Taylor & The Houserockers, some Bo Diddley, some Funkadelic, some Fats Domino, most of what Elmore James and Elmore James and the Broom Dusters made, couple songs from Cameo, Eddie Hazel's "California Dreamin'", a whole bunch of John Lee Hooker from his whole career, Louis Armstrong's "Tin Roof Blues", and some of a record that Bo Diddley, Howlin' Wolf, and Muddy Waters are all together on. This brings me of course back to the bunch of Robert Johnson, Blind Willie McTell, Ma Rainey (rather less Ma Rainey streams than was recorded, I note), Tampa Red, Lightning Hopkins, and a substantial accounting of everything by Muddy Waters and by Nina Simone. 

All I have to point out any further, besides resisting the temptation to just list every damn track, is that more than half of these artists were masters in three distinct genres and about a quarter of them could do anything on the planet, including stuff that hadn't been invented yet. I dunno. Maybe I'm underselling it. It just feels like, compared to my other playlists, which I would describe as delicate little wire scupltures or specially curated trash piles or magpie nests or lazy rivers, this one's a brick. It would go through a plate-glass window. Perhaps too much genius, perhaps a dangerous amount of fire. 


Couple weeks ago I listened to the whole Alicia Keys discography. I had an exceptionally great time all the way through, and talk about a person that can do anything on the planet including stuff that hadn't been invented yet. I guess that's all I have to say, because this post is too fucking long.  

Damn, what if after all that I was all like "Yo, that Keys bitch can plays the piano like a White man! Bet."

Maybe I shouldn't tell as many jokes as I do. 


A last thought in this volume: true intsersectionality, total abolition of all forms of slavery--freedom, the first true freedom our species has known since the advent of land as economic property tied to inheritance schemes--means looking out for and ensuring the safety and the future of people that hate you, people that are ignorant, people that will not change. It means you will have to love your enemy as you love your friend, even as you love yourself. We have had no shortage of prophets, dead and living among us, who have understood this. If you fail to understand this, if you cannot let go of your attachments--as the prophets have proclaimed--you lose ground. You stay slave. You give it up to the empire, to the ruler, to the person who owns the chains, which will stay tight on you and yours and everybody else, including the person who owns them.

Maybe this is a crude and overprescriptive way to describe it, maybe this feels like a lot of responsibility or that I have actually minimized the problem and it is possible even that I am merely stupid and naive. This is the truth as I understand it. If I am stupid and naive, well, I would rather be an idiot than a slave. All I know is I got to die. Also that if I can manage to free my mind, my ass may just follow. 


It's officially ended, that's the post, in which I did rather more capitalizing than usual. Felt appropriate I guess, but those fluid rules are among the most bullshit on the planet, we should e e cummings it or stop using terms altogether. I guess that was one more thing. Anyhow but here is the following, which has nothing to do with anything, unless you think maybe it does. Nothing to do with me. 

Being able to see and not hear has made one of my cats crazy in one way, and being able to hear and not see has driven my other cat crazy in a different way. Both my cats make perfect sense to themselves in a world that makes sense as they understand it, but they have a pretty hard time understanding each other. One is a tabby and one is dark gray, and each one thinks the other smells bad in a deep-down way. They do smell different. They both smell fine to me. The both make sense to me. I love so much to share my life with them, to live with them and love them.

Maybe I love them too much and piggyback inferences and connections onto them excessively, but maybe that's just part of having cats.


Woo! That's gotta be one of the longer posts. It'll serve for yesterday, and probably tomorrow, though I might see if I can squeeze off a quick one. 

You know what cartoon I watched recently and thought was very very good? Apple & Onion. Wish they made more of that. Loved every little episode, each so good, so taut and creamy. Little cream buns. So much good music, so many good songs, and no soundtrack anywhere! Damn.

Next I'm going to listen to The Coup's whole discography. Yes, I have strapped in. Pressing play on 1993's Kill My Landlord--yes, relatable--ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Cartoonists and other people who are understood to wield an inkpen or other such marking stylus in the service of their craft* get to call flair, shortcuts to mastery, and flashes of genius or insight nibtricks. Nibtricks are cool because they're like any other trick: learnable and fun to perceive. Writers are understood to wield pens and therefore get pen vs. sword though we are largely denied nibtricks (at least since the printing press, as discussed in the footnote), but that is because we are understood to wield language itself, and everywhere you go around the world it plays out in history: fancy talkers and motherfuckers with shit wrote down got ahead on everybody else somehow and stayed like that. Therefore, writers have always been rightly accorded with powers slightly more mythological, demented, magical, and demonic than those of other artists**. So, not nibtricks, but Tricks, yes, capitalized.

This is all by way of saying that I'd love to steal giving a tip of the nib to writers off Alison Bechdel, and maybe I already have (regrettably if so) but I don't want to, because she gets to hold a pen while she does it because she's a cartoonist and I'm on a keyboard here and even the stuff I scribble has to get typed eventually for people to see it so it feels pretty...I don't know. I don't like it for some reason, apart from that it's disingenuous.

Can't tip a keyboard (tipping a pen conceivably pairs with tipping a glass; a keyboard/laptop not so) and I don't want to give anyone anything with a keystroke, that's weird. 

A clash of the keys? I'm cringing. But I'm cringing harder because once again I probably have already used it. Who knows. Maybe you, dear reader. 

Whatever! All that has almost nothing to do with music at all, it's basically shoehorning in a bonus post. The actuality for today's today's post is of course

FACTUALLY MUSICAL 2023 continuing apace like mutahfuxin DEFORESTATION, baybeeeeeeeeeeee

s-s-s-s-sTrAp in


Not this last summer but the one before that I listened to a bunch of bands I used to listen to in the aughts and early teens, their old records that played to me as if for the first time and their stuff that had dropped and had its day in the sun of newness while I was doing other stuff. "Indie" is what we called them then; perhaps now I would be inclined to think of more of them as post-pop than I was then willing to concede. "Indie" means nothing to me now and the label has fallen out of use, so thankfully I don't need to think too much about that right this second, but the umbrella known as Pop has gone from being something I tolerated (sometimes sang along to) in the car during the nineties to something I invested energy into hating as teenager in the aughts to something I basically didn't think about through the teens and early twenties to something I think about a lot the last couple years, big thoughts, deep listening ears pricked and swiveled. 

Part of it is that "Pop" exploded, or bloomed, and now I can think about a lot of exquisite petals or pieces of shrapnel without having to acknowledge stuff that used to serve as the hard protective material of a bud or shell casing, as far as I was concerned. I can think about electropop and pop-punk and swingpop and be listening to absolute bangers in each of those categories and the cross-pollination in completely out of control right now. It's fantastic. It's like a pile of tropical fruit basting in warm sunlight. Luscious. 

Stuff just lately: a friend just this week told me about Caroline Polachek and I found her albums to be commanding performances and in some spots tremendously lyrical, top-notch writing. The algorithm did its job very well as it does on occasion and led me to The Long Winters, whose first album I would have very decisively said was "indie" a few years after it came out but with the vantage and power of retrospect I could playfully term post-grunge for emotional intellectuals and which I thought was incredible; their next two albums were increasing in popicity, the pulse quickening, the structure soaring and lightening like rounded arches stretching and blooming into fluted lancets. These albums also contained very good writing and as I have intimated, excellent architecture--good structures, solid foundations, happy bones, whatever I mean and whatever you get from that--and also very good guitars especially remarkable for their restraint.

Kinda more in the past: Watching the Popes Young and New a la HBO got me extremely into Sofi Tukker and a whole load of new music in that vein and connected to those sountracks, themselves a huge part of my listening time this past year. So stuff like KILNAMANA, Karmic, Lane 8, just tracks from the soundtracks, lots of songs from lots of people, most of whom I have yet to fully explore but whose songs I do know are so good. One of the best things ever was listening to everything The Fiery Furnaces ever recorded from start to finish--so fucking good man, all of it, always growing, always expert, just the best. Architecture in Helsinki, Stars, Arcade Fire, The Shins, Broken Social Scene, The Polyphonic Spree, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, that album Zach Callison made, Islands, King Princess, newer Tegan and Sara before they looped back round (awesome all the way, never stop), Her Space Holiday, and Yo La Tengo last because they're so low down on the list unless you start from the bottom, making them among the first! 

Bands I remembered to check out or rediscover just from writing that: Say Hi to Your Mom, Wolf Parade, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Boards of Canada (not sure why this popped up), and TV on the Radio. 

Also I want to mention Dirty Projectors for some reason even though I still wouldn't put them under the umbrella. Dunno what I think of them, even though I know at least one of their albums by heart. Alternative? If so, let me put Regina Spektor on here. It may be that a lot of music branded "Alternative" has secretly just been pop all along. This bears research. 


After the first time I flunked/dropped out of college, "real" college that first time as opposed to community college ever after (lo, even unto now--I did so bad, I want to finish, but should I take a break? fuck) my dad took me home on the worst car ride of my entire life (a tall order) and then that summer he made me refurbish and repaint the deck out back of our condo. I did all the work slowly, in silence, listening to Delta blues and The Mountain Goats. I mention that because that's where I want to start next time. It'll take us places.

Factually Musical 2023 returns as the days go by, dragging my body through the streets


*including calligraphers but exempting writers, which is supremely ironic, but that's just how technology happened and we are alive at the time we are alive. This is important to understand when we try to understand how little we understand, especially about language and history. Anyway, like I said, we get the rep for shaping the very planet. The surface of this planet has a lot of three things: water, silicate minerals, and mythological potential. Writing is only ever mythologizing (because all writers can do is lie in pursuit of the truth [or just lie]), and myths off the dome are still much more powerful than the myths of science and technology. The pen has always been mightier than the sword, even when the pen was just a tongue and a bunch of memes. When you compose the programming language, you write the programming. It's devilishly, shuddersomely simple. It's so big and crazy. Example: somewhere in the world there is an old piece of paper with writing on it called the Magna Carta, and because of that piece of paper, you are probably reading this in English, in a world shaped by the implications of those words penned back in 1215.

Look, it runs even deeper: no pen, no sword. The monolith is code; code precedes tools. 

Hey, it's been a little while since we had to have a footnote! How charming. We'll call this one Tautology Wednesday: Oversimplification Edition!

**For some reasone sculptors and architects, it's mainly like "Yeah, you did your job. What else do you expect? You want me to rub you down? Fuck off." Only nerds about sculptures really care about sculptures, even though everyone goggles at sculpture all the time. I guess because sculptures feel like they animated themselves, like the subject is the artist and the sculptor, who puts out among the the realest, enduring, and most tactile pieces of art that can be said to exist, is the most ephemeral and vestigial of interpretative concerns. With buildings, it's that laborers and craftsmen swarm all over them, and also we live and work in them, and therefore are rude and human enough to be more or less ignored despite their titanic effect on the psyche, despite the fact that they are the art in which we spend our lives.

See, if I make one footnote, the tempation to double down is very powerful. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Oh shit! From a Monday to a Tuesday, Factually Pointless updates. Been a while! Someone must be excited about


today we get going immediately. Strap the fuck in.

Debating over whether this post should shoulder the issue of morality as it relates to the consumption of music, which is of course the conversation as it relates to not only art but every sphere of human activity for some fucking reason. 

But like do we realize yet how truly catastrophically fucked up morality is yet? Can't we see, even though the examples play out daily on our little screens? Music is a great example, filled with examples and counterexamples.

Jesus, I guess we're doing this. 


Some people disagree off the bat that every person has a right to life. I hold the view that all do, as well as everything that exists has a right to exist as close to the expiration of its natural durability as humanly (myself being human, ecce homo indeed, all that) possible. Naturally, we kill and destroy just to survive, just to draw the next breath. That's strike one for this kind of broadly understood "killing is wrong" morality that everyone pretends to agree with but ignores, which is fine because we have to kill to live. And over and over, as history and its functions destroy billions and the empires that spawned them. 

Anyway some people would think that it is correct and natural that a certain percentage of human beings are born bad and wrong and irredeemable, and that because we are good, we can have wars against one kind of bad person and imprison and enslave another kind of bad person and keep a third and fourth and fifth or however many bad people in society but lower down where they belong, and then better people to manage things, and the really good people who deserve it on top.

Sound good? Guess I hope it does, cause that's every stupid childish fucking agricultural society that's ever existed. They were almost all bad, and they have all collapsed eventually because they were stupid like this about morality. They built their shit with it, and it grew up big, but they built it with stuff that goes moldy and degrades and they built on shifting sands and the whole fucking thing was doomed from the start. Get me? 

Alternately, it may be that there is no good and evil, and we are all the same, and we have no right to try to harm each other or fuck up the world. Because knowing that we are imperfect and natural, we have the opportunity to be careful in the real sense; conscientous in our ignorance and power and the tension between life and destruction. And we keep making societies and people lead amazing lives despite everything within them and around them and benath them because life is life and life goes on and even saying a society was bad is fucking nonsense because it was just set dressing and variable conditions for the human condition, which is glorious and perfect in its horrible imperfection. A process, a cycle, a remixing, a recomposition of elements, themes, structures, repetitions, crescendoing and decrescendoing and fading into silence to start up again.

Yes, music is like that too, that is my point, thank you, yes. Do not pat me on the cheek or back, thank you.

People, maybe, are complicated kinds of songs, playing out a symphony for some unimaginable mind.


So we decide to stop listening to music because it turns out a person is bad, or we defend our music to the death because a person is good, no matter what.

Look, I'm gonna do the hard, fast, gross, and maybe kind of mean version of this, because I've just realized that despite having been up since four and fed cats twice and washed the dishes and played pkmnViolet version for a couple hours, sure, I have not had breakfast.

Do whatever the fuck you want. The whole thing is corrupt and irredeemable. The process of recording music is evil in and of itself for the resources it consumes and the cultural production and monetization of art is tied into everything from sexual slavery to state propaganda. There is no way to be good in this life. You cannot be good. I am not good. The president and the pope are both not good. Jesus was not good. Your mom and dad are not good--this one might not be so much of a shocker--but the big reveal is that they couldn't have been good even if they were a million billion times better than they were, because existing is a crime if morality is real. You don't have to defend or attack anyone, and it's no one's business what you fucking like, really.

Also, the extent to which the whole song and dance is gossip and how massively quantitatively and qualitatively persuasive yet patently false evidence can be easilty generated should make everyone profoundly suspicious of everything they see. Maybe the only real thing in this life is the actual music coming out of the actual speakers at the end of the malignant process and criminal act that is the generation of those sounds and the materials that produced them, that send them over a network over which fentanyl is sold and populations, subpopulations, and economies are destabalized and attacked, on which child pornography is distributed and where predators of every imaginable description trouble the waters every single second of every single day.

Maybe it's kind of stupid to wonder if it makes you a worse person, listening to Kanye West or David Bowie or Prince or Beatles or whatever. Reading a play by Artaud. These fuckin dudes. Anyway a lot of people are ready to say you are bad for looking at homosexual erotica and for being homosexual--does that track, or are there some problems with what we think, as a society, makes people good or bad? Maybe the problem is with those two categories in the first place?

Not saying it shouldn't fuck with you. Not saying anything shouldn't bother or outrage or trigger or arouse disgust in you that is righteous and correct, and I'm not saying anything agaist anyone protecting themselves from harm however they can, must, and need to. I say Do It. Boundaries and distances and hard passes and getting rid of shit completely are tools and they exist for a reason, there to be used. What I am saying is, gotta kill to eat, gotta eat to live, and everyone has a right to life. I'm saying, not a single one of us knows enough about anyone else's life or how the world works to truly understand anything even about our own lives, our own pasts, our own selves even and maybe especially deep down. I'm saying, there's no way for me to be better than anyone even if they've done terrible things I haven't, or don't believe I have, or don't believe I would, even if they're so outrageously opposed to what is tolerable and excusable to me personally that I cannot countenance them or let them go unopposed. That doesn't make them bad, or me good. 

There is no good and evil. The world is much more difficult than that fun storytime shit.

A better question maybe, in a direction more hopeful--and hope is, after all, life itself, fight me--would relate to the possibility and veracity of redemption, of growth, of values transforming and the transformation leading to cascading transformations. A better question has more to do with protecting and healing and communicating openly than with punishing and silencing and building walls. But I'm too hungry to go that way right now. Another time. 


Missed Kaki King's 2020 album but now I have listened to it last Friday and finished it this morning and to me it is the best thing in that particular discography. I loved every moment of every song, which makes this my favorite of her albums. A steady builder of her powers and the craft itself, is Kaki King, with some powerful friends sitting in on the record that really push it radically beyond previous albums.

That's today's Music Opinion, brought to you by Factually Musical 2023. 

Peace out, I'm delirious (sick drop crashes over the audience, people go buck wild, dance mix continues)


Monday, December 18, 2023


The final installment, as it were, of the current generation of the main Pokémon games has dropped and it has hit me like a bullet that shatters into a hundred perfect rainbow love letters. Each time I have loaded up and played each iteration--the initial drop, the first additional chapter, and now this closer which I am hours and hours into exploring and revealed thereby that it will take hundreds more, that they could stop here and I could play with what we have on the switch for the rest of my life. They won't, and I'll keep going with them into the unlimited potential futures of the Pokémon World--in which we all live, praise be and God bless. 

Surely internet seethes with hatred for everything I love and appreciate about it, but culture war internet is a pimple, where our most putrid selves go to coalesce and collapse together into an ocean of stinking pus. Once you're done with internet thinking--with cultural hatred--you are back in the bloodstream, baby, and can love what you please waging peace like a gangster.

If only I could aid the world, and make that process faster. All one can say is no snobs no masters.


Look, I'll say it. I'm not gonna push around some false humility like an extra dick. I am fucking inordinately proud about that rhyme and scansion. Again, I'll say it myself: that was a mic drop. 


But I wouldn't drop a microphone really because that is not good for the equipment. Maybe if it was already crapping out pretty bad I could drop it as like a farewell. That would take some planning, and could never be as cool playing out as in my head, where it's already not very cool.


2023 is almost over. The year ran at speed, it seems to me. This probably due to the true aging process taking hold of my system, my brain changing tempo, as it were, as my body undergoes its first "weakening" puberty. None of that is the point--do I even mean it? What the fuck. Never mind, speed on--Album Week this year will undergo what might be called a restructuring, in company terms, or reboot, in continuity terms. That's maybe what is called "inside baseball"? I like basketball, and Plato, if we're playing with spheres. There's no company. Not the kind with meetings and tiers and hierarchies would confabulate to create what is compressed into the term "inside baseball". 

Digression over. Welcome to Factually Musical, brought to you by Factually Pointless. This year, the next week's posts--today being Monday, running through Sunday--will appear, if they appear, in the form of paragraphs, perhaps making use of lists or figures, concerning various musical concepts, ragging and raging and even ranging from whatever the fuck I feel like to whatever the fuck ends up happening, period. How do you like that, motherfucker? Do you you love it? Good. That is a huge relief. I didn't prepare very well and I was a little nervous. 



Because I am talking to more people a bit more regularly than since 2017, music is sometimes discussed. I guess music is like a part of life or something. Replete with emotional connections? Ringing any fucking bells? This is going to be about music. Music is about feelings.

Thing about feelings is that they arise, and exist well before any reasoning process can be applied, even if the arousal is rooted in layers and layers of reasoning process and lived experience. Indeed, this deeper rooting may even intensify and further remove the feeling from reason or the ability to interact with reason, because by the time our brains are even partially developed, most of us think in language so quickly that arousal and the resultant idea/reaction are perceived as simultaneous. This is something we need to try to remember when we think we've personally evolved beyond our emotions and have achieved command control. Please be convinced, without my further elaboration, that this is the mindset which leads to the most fabulously irrational behaviors that humans perpetrate. 

All this is by way of saying that one is never exempt from dealing with one's feelings, and one's feelings simply are what they are and not something to blame oneself for. Processes are processes. You may as well be angry with bedrock for having the percentage of silicates that it does, rather than some optimal figure you pulled out of your ass. Therefore, looking at what a computer program tells you is your most listened-to music and sharing it because someone shared their own computer-program-generated tallies for hours dedicated to particular music will generate feelings, before during, and after, and feelings lead to thoughts. As previously discussed. 

Let me, now that all is preambled to my satisfaction, tell you about some of those thoughts and feelings.


The relationship between data and the interpretation of what music is and how it behaves is ancient and fraught. Now we live in the time of Big Data, so we have a lot of grist to chew up in our little mills when it comes to, say, which rapper has the highest word count vs. vocabulary vs. repetition vs. various matrices of the preceding categories and as many as we can think of in addition. Ah, but who has done more with less? And who has turned less into significatly more than even that? And who defied convention in such a way as to skewer this math a third way? What escaped through the holes in the net? What lies deeper than these questions, these numbers, these ciphers?

It doesn't really matter and I don't really care, unless I care more that anything--depends on the question--but the actual thing about the questions is that they change how I feel about things and how I feel as I hunt for the answers and decide how I feel about what I'm able to find--a modifier on my lived experience, on my interpretative and emotional journey through existence. As importantly, I notice things, and that leads me to make connections with the data I have happened to access (which must be taken with a grain of salt in any case), and connections we make ourselves are key emotional warp, weft, and weave. 

That so much quantitative data and mathematical backbone be available, be elemental to something that every organism does and must experience in their own completely unique way--breathtaking! Terrifying? A hilarious joke? I always favor the latter, as you know, but we've only been crawling around the tip of this iceberg, and depths alway carry their risks, may contain subliminal horrors, always more tenebrous and unfamiliar than our beloved surfaces.


Yet to attain heights, we must suffer depths. Indeed, we much command both, if we are to advance. 


Basically, I felt ruffled that an industrial focus on what we most consume by volume must by its nature undermine the value--at last as perceived and reflected in the sense of the general antechamber of shared culture--because it obscures range. Because ape brain says numbers go higher are better, people with highest numbers are best. Oh, to be the Swiftie with the most hours of Taylor Swift listened to on this planet! POWER SO GREAT THE SIDEWALK SHATTERS IN A LINE TEN FEET BENEATH WHERE THEY FLOAT, WREATHED IN LUMINOUS ENERGIES THAT BLIND THE UNWORTHY!

In reality such a thing is only meaningful if you know the story and depending on how it makes you feel. In reality, an untold fuckton of bots and scripts and sockpuppets listened to 8760 hours of each of Taylor Swift's songs, maybe a few hardcases did something more linear manually, maybe one in a billion needed her in the ear all year no surcease no pause and is the one authentic claim to the figure and then the hundreds of millions of stories beyond, but none of it matters. I mean it's a fucking footnote to a blip, and matters the same amount--to me, precious, en masse and in total, precious, even if I hate the particular details I've chosen to discuss. To others, not. To some, also precious, but their feelings and their emotions will lead them in the direction of different performances, emotions, expressions, ideas, states of mind, further explorations and calculations. Concepts, interpretations, moments, communions, transcendences, all molecules on a great, trackless, unsoundable ocean on which we pass like ships in the night, and we signal one another, oh, we play music, we send up signal flares, we declare, we care, we share.

And so on.


Once again, back in reality, probably no one in ten million thinks about that list and its implications for more than a few minutes and certainly most would wish to tell me that I am overthinking, overcarrying, overstretching, and overinterpreting the affair to a degree which strains credulity. 

That is because I have a lot of feelings on the subject, which get away from me as I write although I am so aware of them that I spent all this effort telling you about it, dear reader, in the preamble, as an effort to remind myself, which has been a resounding failure--unless it was my plan all along to demonstrate what I believe is truly beautiful and meaningful about music, about love, about art, about life; which is to be carried away, which is to get ahead of oneself and fall into the sublime.






Wednesday, December 13, 2023


As I moved a notebook on my desk just now as I went to type, it fell open to a page with some of my handwriting on it, which I read out of that momentary curiosity that such events may trigger. Dimly, very dimly remember writing this, because I thought when I heard or read it that it was very beautiful somehow. I guess it is. I mean, I still think that, now that I relax into really thinking about it rather than wondering so avidly what it means, you know? The urge to decipher and decode can indeed obstruct true meaning betimes.

Anyway, this is what I wrote:


Salt Marsh Snakes

drink only rainwater


There you have it. It makes sense. It's what I would do, living in a salt marsh. Straightforward stuff, just what poetry is made of.

Oh, I bet it was in Wikipedia's little Did You Know?... section that they have on their front page. I look at it most days. It's almost always got fun stuff to perceive and think about.


It should come as no surprise that I pretty much fucked this semester up. Stopped attending two of my four classes, managed as little as possible to scrape decent grades in the other two. It's been so much illness and pain to deal with. I didn't even mention yet how fucking sick I got after Thanksgivng, I was slightly deliriously afraid I might die at a couple of points, like how it gets sometimes when you're proper fighting it off. Fucking goddamn it all, though you know? Fucking school, fucking grades, fucking bodies, fucking societies, fucking shitting World War fucking III and multiple motherfucking genocides and fucking the total collapse of rational, cohesive thought thanks to playing around with fucking computers. Fuck it, that's all. Just get it the fuck fucked. Fuck that shit. Fuck that. I don't want to give a fuck about any of that fucking shit right now. 

So fuck it! It is all just ass, and the shit that issues thence perforce!

Whew. That's feeling a little better. 


To microquote Kimya Dawson's music lyrics, sorry I'm a deadbeat friend. That's a powerful non-sequitur, needing no elaboration or specification. Happy to use it as a springboard to the next thing, which has nothing to do with this.


Don't believe I mentioned reading Stephen King's Fairy Tale--it was a heavy hitter. Putting it on the same racetrack as Eyes of the Dragon, Fairy Tale laps the poor old beast and stays winning. King's still not quite my favorite hand with elements and structures of  what might be termed high fantasy, which is why to this date I have never been able to stay with The Dark Tower. But the fairy-story elements were very powerful here, the included elements of the high fantastical ennobled for being more authentically Stephen King, the horror more horrible, the beautiful more true. Of course it is low hanging fruit to say the man is older and has read more books, but that's only part of it. It is a true modern fairy-story, which I believe to be a spiritually advanced accomplishment. Very good work out there. Gives a person some hope.

Also reread Breakfast of Champions, the Kurt Vonnegut book that really got me on that particular tip for serious. I read Slaughterhouse Five for school and loved it, but it's the one you grab under your own power that has more power to stick with you and define you, and so it has been. It was also interesting being reminded how much of the insight on the world around that I have presented people in my adult life came straight out of reading Kurt Vonnegut to completion as a teenager, before he was dead. Refreshing, these breezes from youth, and strange. I'm rereading Jailbird, now. Maybe Galápagos, one of my most favorite books ever of all, after that.

This is yet another in an increasingly criminal list of non-sequiturs here in this post, but astute (and almost frighteningly pedantic, with what I would term abnormal levels of recall) readers will have noticed that I posses the following three books, acquired in order: The Penguin History of the World, A History of Europe, and Europe 1880-1945, all fully or mostly written by the historian J.M. Roberts. The nature of this constellation pleases me greatly; a set of lenses, increasing in magnification, and it is a great pleasure to imagine the lenses switching back and forth, the overlap, the gained and the lost from the coarse grain to the fine and back again. I like to think about all my history books like this. Holster full of lenses.

This has been your book update, you filthy, reprehensible bibliophile. I mean that like a screwed-up, violently expressed paraphilia, not the family-friendly way fuckin' society, fuckin' librarians would have it. Pft. I'm gonna put my dick in one of my books immediately


Ah, it would have been great to end the post there. But I've been advised not to leave jokes about my own personal sex stuff up where anyone could just quote me out of context without leaving myself an out. My sex stuff is pretty boring, frankly. Like...not vanilla, but plain yogurt. Kefir. Stuff like that. Pouring liquid yogurt into gaping assholes, mixing it with lactation, pouring it all over the floor and rolling and thrashing around like you're having a seizure, that sort of thing. Nothing weird. 


Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Man, I'd rather be doing something else, but I risk posting nothing at all for November, and that would not do. Though no one may give the percentage of a fuck in the world at large, that factually pointless should update on occasion at the least does matter to me. Obscurely, and to no utile end, but it does.

Suppose with me, then, that a fairly dry and straightforward update is prefferable to continued silence, and read on. Perfectly whatever three hundred and fiftieth fucking post, sailing on.


Reading books has been kind of in the shitter, sad to say. I'm nearly halfway through Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, but I've lost steam power on that and broke off to quickly read and be amazed and rent emotionally by Helen Hanff's 84 Charing Cross Rd. Other than that, I've been raising a lot of Pokémon and watching a lot of different Star Wars. Star Wars makes me feel ok. Wrapped up Super Marios Bros. Wonder, which was also very extremely fantastic and good in every way. Slowly working my way through old Kingdom Hearts games in preparation to play the newer ones I didn't get a chance to yet.

Recently I completed my thirty-fourth solar orbit on this planet in this body, and I am pleased to be able to report that I am still raising Pocket Monsters. Soon it will be a thirty-year enterprise, and by 2027 I will be a thirty-year Trainer, if the world should so endure. Rest assured that even if it is from the scant shelter of blasted-out hovel cringing amongst ruins in a post-apocalyptic landscape, I will be training Pokémon, even if I have to write the text adventure on scraps and roll handmade dice myself.


Writing, yes. Writing books, now, and getting them made, that's a different element. Steps are being taken graphic design-wise by my excellent compatriot to produce three brilliant covers for the three volumes which shall replace all extant versions of my published works. I have condensed my two books of poetry into a single new volume of collected works, titled Asambléa Lux Verdi, with the outlines of the old books preserved and reformatted for improved reading pleasure. The Tetrahedron has been properly formatted and two errors have been repaired; it is many more pages now and actually has margins. Imagine. We shall forget that I essentially put out a broken product; thankfully, it was not one anyone purchased. Haha! Incompetent ike a fox. Finally I have reformatted the Symphonic Minor Heresies, and have decided to append a second collection; the Movement #2 to the first book's Movement #1. Yes. To add further value, I shall add opus numbers to each. Now I simply have to write/finish them, and my works will be condensed into three superior editions. The prior two will be relesed very soon, upon the finalization of the covers; I will produce the planned material for the third as quickly as possible and release it upon completion and review. 


Since I described my office in this text field, I have put up a bunch more art and stuck stickers of various descriptions all over the place. It is vastly cheered and better charmed for protection. I have done powerful magics of late, here and elsewhere, but more spells are required, more power. Timing and energy levels both being factors, however, one must have patience for the arrival of better days.

One must always have such patience ready to hand even at the best of times, maybe.


My arm is much improved, and I can do pushups again. Pretty keen. I'm doing ok. At least I can do this again. 


Monday, October 30, 2023


So depressed that it resembles a psychotic break. Well, I have been. Feel almost as though I may be settling into a more regular depression, a more businesslike, by-the-book point on the graph. One can hope.

Anyway, well enough to see how this goes. We'll see.


Things were already trending downwards faster than I could calibrate for when I tripped coming down the stairs at school. I'd like to blame it on the new flip-flops I was wearing, rather than countenace the idea that I run down stairs too quickly, but both are merely factors. The truth is baldly Freudian; I wished to punish myself for being depressed, for not working at the moment, for not feeling up to dealing with school, for sabotaging myself, and expressed it by a slip. 

Rather than maybe break my neck or bruise my spine, I pushed off the stairs with both legs as hard as I possibly could, and sailed over the remaining steps to the ground below. All would have been well if I had managed to land on my shoulder and transfer some momentum, but I landed on my arm as much as my shoulder, my full weight coming down on my elbow. I skidded about for feet, my forearm twisting under me as I slid. First pain, and then a much worse numbness spreading through the arm. 

I'll just say it. There was dude at the door at the bottom of the stairs, who heard the sound of my impact and turned to see me slide to a stop. 

"Holy...are you ok?"

I leaped to my feet as though I were a teenager and not a man preparing to enter into his mid-thirties. 

"Yup!" I chirped. "The flip flopped!"

And smartly turned away from him and strode out the door, listing to the left and rather cringing my whole torso in that direction as well. 

Finally, like a complete fucking idiot, after a few cursory stretches and extensions, I hopped on my bike and rode all the way home. I know better than that. It could not be more tectbook self-sabotage, sailing boldly down denial.

It got pretty bad. Not a pretty bruise, not a fun time. But it's been healing steadily. Fucked up my lateralis tendon, elbow's still tender, the points on the wrist and forearm that hurt when your tendon's not doing its job hurt all right, but it's stronger, more mobile, and less painful every day. 


Broke down and ended the year's streak of nonfiction. I found a paperback of Brian Jacques' Loamhedge and the memory of it, the fact that I hadn't read it in years, plus how awful I was feeling (that night I had an insomnia attack and didn't sleep a wink) drove me to its refuge. Oh, how I wept that night. How I needed it, how it hurt and soothed. 

Star Wars has also been fucking me up. Ahsoka rocked me.


Ok cool. I also carved a pumpkin. And forgot to take a midterm. My volition is completely shot and I waste much of every day pacing. May God bless you this All Hallow's Eve (tomorrow).



Sunday, September 17, 2023


Man, the last few days have hit me rough. What can basically be understood as post-emesis depression has sunk into my bones. A book has performed its egress from conceptual space in the dimension of my mind to enfleshed existence. I was so, so up when I was finishing that book, and I squeezed the brightest light I got into its pages. Gave it every particle I possess, all my warmth and power, draining the reservoir completely, apparently. Now I feel like cigarette ash in a wet tray.

Oh well! What the fuck you gonna do. I will try to get better, try to find traction, try to maneuver that traction into the next book. Gotta do that till I run out of traction entirely. 

Maybe it's time for Album Week 2023. But I gotta do something different for Album Week 2023. Only then will it be able to cheer me up, rather than make everything worse somehow. Had a lot of ideas about Album Week this year, lots of ideas about music. Could be ok. Could be all right. Only way to find out is to forge ahead, to weave a path, to give shape to the vessel.

Next time we'll know for sure, dear reader, whether it is Album Week 2023 or something else entirely. Oh, your breath! It's bated. Damn, baby, take it easy. I know how cool and incredible it is when I shit whatever crap lives in my head about music, making no valid sense and offending all good taste. But if it's something else? What madcap irrepressibility will seize me in its jaws and carry us all off into the nether regions of perception and commentary? What cloaks out of the past or signals from the future will drape our frames or dazzle our eyes as we journey into the thickets of description and hypothesis?

Who gives a fuck who gives a fuck who gives a fuck


Monday, September 11, 2023


Man, information. That's some fucked up drugs right there. 

Wishing to retain for myself the most neutral possible starting-point for analysis, I try to limit my daily informational intake, and I try to stick to sources that present their information professionally, source it properly, and provide various perspectives and contrasting commentary as well as a broad assortment of material in writing. One should not listen to people say the news if one can at all avoid it, in my opinion. I also regularly check sources and aggregates I know are ridiculous or obscurantist, so as to remain informed about those varieties of jargon and mindset. Least often, grudgingly, understanding that a lot of people read or watch their news and understand their worlds thereby strictly from materials provided by either msnbc news or fox news, with everybody referencing to cnn news when they're feeling broadminded--in other words, sources which make obscurantism blush--I take a look at what they're up to.

Visiting these nightmare websites this morning, as I do every few months because it is important to see what techniques corporate overlords are using on the news as part of their communications warfare, I am amazed as always, even shocked, at the naked brigandry, the boorishness of their techiques. 

Saw the word "bogus" in two separate headlines on msnbc--is that seriously how motherfuckers edit over there? The entire website bristles with attacks on a bewildering variety of fronts and moral postures, shame running a bright common thread through it all. It's a temple to the pointed finger, to the shrill note that sings in the voice when one is angry to be disagreed with by someone they believe less intelligent, less morally developed than themselves.

The fox news flow is like a hallucination, naked pyschology, not much content. Like experiencing a paranoid delusion firsthand. Larger type, headlines only, less targeted fury, a broader outrage, like a beast whose flank is pierced by arrows breathing fire into the air. Each headline a little angry blast on a cornet or the pleading grief of a fife.

Father to both and cynical heir to their innovations, cnn roars like the one and stings like the other, insinuates and declares and allows headlines whose syntax is built to make head-nodding sense to acolytes and make the outsider cock their head at an angle and squint their eyes. 

These motherfuckers are becoming churches. That's all I'm trying to say. Creepy churches.


Dang, I really bum myself out. This is why I adress the concrete matters of the world less and less on the blog. My insights offer me no comfort, and serve as a fairly mealy form of entertainment. 

Read Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century, ed. Alice Wong recently, not a planned book but a very excellent read. Other than that, reading has been mostly in service of school of late. It really does happen like that. I fight it, but the battle is indeed uphill.

Best wishes, dear reader. It's foggy today, that's pretty cool. 
