Got a bunch of books. Also have been reading a bunch of books, though, not as many as I would like. Finished rereading all my Tolkien, then reread Laurence Yep's excellent Dragon of the Lost Sea cycle, which I had not done since I was a wee sprat--used to check 'em out of my local library branch over and over. Think I've mentioned that. Then I read Prince Ombra, another book I had not read since in a long time. I read this one once, when I was eleven, maybe twelve, at my best friend's insistence. Didn't remember all of it with my customary clarity, but a few scenes have stuck with me through the many years, and the work as a whole was more formative and influential than I would ever have guessed. An amazing book. I mean seriously, that book is truly something. Read After the Quake and Kafka on the Shore, and am currently almost done with James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, borrowed from my mom at her insistence. Apparently Mr. Stephen Dedalus reminded her of her own firstborn (yours truly). I cannot deny certain affinities--even echoes. After that, the plan is to read a bunch more Murakami, reread Ulysses and perhaps more Joyce--probably just Dubliners, dunno if I want to get into Finnegan's Wake till next year, and at least a bit of Le Guin before I hit the nonfiction again.
There's really a lot of nonfiction I've been meaning to get to: a book about diamonds, a book about the Wars of the Roses, a book about metahistory, a book about Jerusalem, a book about math; books about a whole bunch of fuckin shit. Too many books, not enough time or money. Why, why won't the government pay to me to read like a madman every day? Can they not grasp my potential value as an intelligence asset? Fools! Squanderers!!! Just fucking make me a spot, feds!
Uh, speaking of books, I've grabbed too many this month and should have tabulated them, but didn't. Because of these factors, the following list may not be exhaustive, and I shouldn't--damn it, won't!--get more new books at the very least till well into next year.
We'll see how that goes.
The Very Eric Carle Treasury, Eric Carle
Tono Monogatari, Shigeru Mizuki
The Cricket in Times Square, George Seldon
The Rescuers, Margery Sharp
Black Zodiac, Charles Wright
What Have I Ever Lost by Dying?, Robert Bly
Memoirs, Dreams, Reflections, C.G. Jung
Love That Dog, Sophie Creech
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, Kafka on the Shore, First Person Singular, Haruki Murakami
The Trumpet of the Swan, E.B. White
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain (not strictly necessary, since I own a complete collected works of his, but whatever. Maybe a gift someday after read it, or before, who cares)
Early Christian Lives, a bunch of people (Penguin Classics, publishers)
The Universe Within: The Deep History of the Human Body, Neil Shubin
Life in Ancient Egypt, Adolf Erman, transl. H.M. Tirad, introduction by Jon Manchip White
After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntyre
The Templars and the Grail: Knights of the Quest, Karen Ralls
The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar: Solving the Oak Island Mystery, Steven Sora
Giordano Bruno: Philosopher/Heretic, Ingrid D. Rowland (Really extremely excited to read this)
The Long Valley, John Steinbeck
Squire, Sarah Alfageeh and Nadia Shammas
DEAS...and Other Imaginings: Ten Spiritual Folktales for Children, Valerie Tarico
The World According to Garp, John Irving
Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink, Elvis Costello
The Abolitionist's Handbook, Patrice Cullors
Birds, Tim Flach (this was a wedding anniversary present from Ezra and it is supremely magnificent)
Fairy Tale, Stephen King
Principles of Isotope Geology, second edition, Gunter Faure
The Complete Practical Guide to Pet and Aviary Birds, David Alderton
Nobody Knows My Name, James Baldwin
The House at Pooh Corner, A.A. Milne
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