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Thursday, November 25, 2021


Wonder if I ought to recover the twitter account I attached to the running of this blog, way back when. 'Twas only good for a couple hits a day, and twitter literally breaks my fragile mind, but it is ahead on page one google search of my actual author page on amazon, where my content lives. The top result on google relating to me and my activities is post number twenty-seven, where I mentioned Google+ and Blogger in the same sentence. Soon this post, too, will enjoy unwarranted spotlight action. Ha! 

Man, visiting twitter in order to inform this decision was like briskly rubbing a sheaf of sandpaper across my bare abdomen. One clean stripe of burning, unnecessary pain. I have said my piece about twitter in this text field, don't need to go over it all again. Some would say it would be hypocritical of me to even consider using twitter to garner readership or communicate ideas, given what I have said about their foul dark magics in the past.

In fact, I feel quite unfettered. Twitter's brand of petty evil is exactly the sort whose combat momentum is best thwarted by the gymnastic of hypocrisy. Of course, this gives one pause to wonder if that is not yet another level in the basement of their cruel and barbarous factory. Naturally, one does need a twitter account in order to criticize twitter on home turf, in order to win the hearts and minds of those afflicted by twitter most directly. 

The account does serve as the blog's alt text, which makes it an archive, and since it does already exist, and since I--wait. No. As information addict, as twitter addict, as completionist--all these truths about myself in their competition and complicity cried out together just now, and the answer must, can only be, no. That way lies madness and personal demise.

Last time I talked about twitter was that long, long Sinfest post, a post basically also about twitter, and way too much other shit. Drove across every goddamn lane I could in that post. Not sorry, but it was indeed something of an act of ridiculous lunacy, and the most exaggerated overtures in that direction were fueled by looking at twitter for all of five fucking minutes. Brain poison. The answer is no. Been sounding like an asshole up in here. No.

If only I could close that account. Such a thing, in this day and age, is impossible; moreso because I have forgotten and lost the relevant access data. So hey, this whole thing has been a total wash.


Read the title of the blog one more time, motherfuckers, and have a happy turkeygobble day; good day for shoving that turkeybird up in your gobblehole


*originally was going to write a post about something else entirely. I've forgotten what that was now twice as I loaded up the text field. Hmm. Well, it's nice to be here again. Always happy to be with you for even one moment more, dear reader. 

Oh! I was going to discuss how sometimes I feel as though the way the blog repeats itself and revisits certain topics again and again and again is in one way something of a failure, speaking in terms of pure creative fertility. Here in this text field I have been extremely disparaging of the Achewood man, the man of Achewood, for basically quitting the strip because he didn't want to plow any furrowed ground, and of course I am disparaging of him because I am of a similar bent in my nature. Aware that there is nothing new to be written here under the sun, nevertheless the compulsion is to offer freshness, dammit. Cooking requires base parts which, at the time you do something to them with the intent of transforming them into an ingredient, must be fresh. It doesn't matter if we are talking about a tomato, an idea, or the idea of a tomato; even the idea a tomato might have. What matters is the freshness of the ingredient, and of course what technique you apply to deliver the payload, which is flavor. Flavor is everything, everything, fucking everything.

Musically speaking: there are only eight notes. With eight notes we must make infinite multiverses of permutations. Repetition is integral to permutation, and without pattern, there is only meaninglessness, which is only interesting and valid in the context of that which has meaning. So, in the end, I have to say to myself whatever, I don't care if I repeat myself for seventy years. Who cares about playing the same song every day. Everything is in how the chord is played in this newly minted and never-before lived moment, the little improvisations, the age of the strings, the little variations in the pressure of the fingers and the stroke and tension of the arm. Do birds worry about repeating themselves? They sing every morning and maybe it's identical and maybe it's completely different each time, but at the day it's fuckin birdsong, which is what it is, and what more do you want.

What you do can be the same, but the way that you do it, who you are and what you bring, that's different every day like it or not, and being as aware of that and the necessity of that, the structure of arcs and loops and wheels and parallels that make up our lives except when it all comes crashing down around us, or when we leap off the rails and throw ourselves into formlessness that will either develop fresh structure out of itself or be our demise--that is what makes existing within the structure of repetitious fractals bearable and even majestic. 

Yeah, whatever. Maybe I've said all this before, in so many ways. I think of posts I've written where I discuss helical structures diametrically opposing one another yet both essential to the superstructure of reality, of posts I wrote about the world being a forest, the universe as forest, of reality composed of infinite simultaneously disrupted and flawlessly perfect spheres, simultaneously homogenous in their perfection and representing spectra ranged between two poles. Or it's all the layers and angles of bismuth, levels and levels and spars and spars, regular and varied. Or everything being part of an infinite and infinitely expanding and collapsing crystal structure, irrationally perfect and not even real, but the only reality there is.

Again, whatever. So fucking what? Who gives a shit how long a scene is, to paraphrase David Lynch? I get off on writing that kind of shit. I get off on writing. As long as that's true, I'll churn out whatever weird crap I want and sell it by the pound.

All this by way of saying, apologies to the Achewood man for being a jerk to him (indirectly) about his choices. They are, of course, his own to make, as all our choices do be also.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


So, couple days before I wrote the last post I sent Factually Pointless vol. I off to print. So disgruntled and tired was I that the critical wherewithal to mention it was fully lacking, even up to this moment. And what does it matter? Not one particle of a fuck, dear reader. Nil.

Anyway if you're one of those people that loves to pay for what they can have for free (barring footnotes, which does add that wonderful metatextuality that some readers [me] crave), click this here shit. It's not on my author page yet. Hope that happens soon? Publishing through a megacorporation that doesn't give a cold damn in winter about what you write (at least, I haven't run into any problems, and I use plenty of cuss words and wacky notions) grants a beautiful and heady freedom, but with freedom comes a near-total relinquishing of control that is the comfortable provender of traditional publishers. How could I ever possibly be empowered to make them do jack-all? I don't know, and I happen not to give a hot damn in summer, either. It's all just fucking words. Literal sex words, over as they happen. Here today, gone tomorrow. 

Fucking and writing: two things ostensibly done for the sake of posterity, of ennobling and significant continuity, but in actuality just done on the white-hot wire of the moment for the pure animal deep kick.


Poof. Vanished! 


Sunday, November 21, 2021


The sum of the digits of 11/21/2021 happens to be nine, and expressed as 11/21/21, the sum is seven, which makes this an extremely powerful day. Anyone turning nine this year may be in for a hell of a run around the calendar, one for the record books. A seventh son born on this day could very easily one day rule the shattered remnants of this suicidal planet, and raise it from its sad ashes. 

Of course the practicable significance of all this is zero. We will one day wake from all this ridiculous nonsense as though from a dark and distant dream.


Till then, whatever entertains us, even for a second! Amirite? Is not entertainment our true God, venerated in the one true Temple? Always think how entertainment is just entrainment with a twist.

If only we had the freedom to think about something else, do something, anything. But that would run counter to our training. We are at our most profitable when receiving programming, going from training to training, in actual pain when not being actively stimulated by familiar patterns, resolutions, endorphin packets.


Ok, whatever. Punchline goes here. Signing off. Russ Crowe in Gladiator meme. Right? Yes. Cool. Bye.


Sunday, November 14, 2021


Jesus Christ. Look, I'm fucking depressed, I'm buying a house, my job has provided me with enough to deal with given a surplus three of me--between the four of us, I would have no problems except for the other two problems I just mentioned plus all the other problems. 

But problems are not the issue, dear reader! As you know, I strive to be a man of solutions.


Reason I ain't been posting is really that I have been working at a feverish pace (well, as feverish as that paragraph one bullshit has allowed for) on the first print collection of the blog. As you know, I am all about value for money, so I have been giving the process of annotating the hallowed words that have come before in this sacred text field all my available energies. It is hoped that the results will please.

Okay. I am also playing a lot of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Thank you. Goodbye.
