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Monday, September 16, 2019


Well! How about a list of all the books I have gotten through since last I mentioned such data? Some people will think I am lying about this list, but those people don't know me or live my life. I am not to be fucked with.

Since August 26th, after realizing that I actually only had two pages of Philosophical Fragments before the end and completing it, I read, in this order:

Duma KeyThe Stand, DesperationIt, Hearts In Atlantis, The Tommyknockers, Mr. Mercedes, Sleeping Beauties, Stranger Things: Darkness at the Edge of Town'Salem's Lot, and Pet Sematary.

Those books are all by Stephen King except the one under the umbrella of a licensed property, and Sleeping Beauties, which is a collaborations with Owen King. They are also, by and large, quite long. Perhaps not long long, or long in the way that a book like Moby Dick is long (yeah I've read that bad motherfucker), but long. Without thinking about it too hard I can say that I've read more than four thousand pages in the last month and a half or so.

How do I accomplish this and also work so many hours at my job? Friends, the answer is simple: I truly care about little else.


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