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Monday, June 17, 2019


Ahhhh, surfing the web! Entering cyberspace! Placing your consciousness within the virtual object! Checking the Internet! Looking online! Uploading to the mainframe! And, of course, "jacking in", whether it be into the network, the matrix, or another made-up term.

Some language for whatever the fuck it is I am actually describing? You do not need it! It is amazing how few people work with an actual definition, going beyond "my computer contains the things I like, and there's like I can send my gram-maw a smiling face made out of dots and slashes! A man put up a diagram of a carburetor that ups your fuel efficiency to ninety-eight miles to the gallon*! And this dancing baby Larry sent me on that electronic mail it has, holy shit!"

It's funny, and confusing, to those of us who like to understand things--but you do not need to understand anything in order to use it. Matter of fact, through use, those who do not comprehend what they are using often demonstrate that you do not need to understand something in order to define it and indeed even determine it.


When I was in high school I called coffee "jittersoup" and I named cocaine "super-powered party powder." And I spent a great deal of time on internet.


As in meatspace, I don't go around putting my mark on a lot of things in this world. Some dudes approach meatspace with their dicks out and a can of spray paint in each fist, and it is only natural that some dudes approach internet the same way (dudes whose dicks and fists do them precious little good in meatspace, typically, but only typically).

Me, a small area to call my own, unbounded opportunity to read, trying to fix it so I can think and look at stuff and move around pretty much how I please without the Man coming down too hard on me. Try to get some work done, for everybody's sake and for my own. Hopefully no one tries to talk to me. There is basically no difference between how I approach meatspace versus internet.


More about internet and its intersections of all types tomorrow! I don't want to be in my house right now. I want to go not be here before I have to be at work**. I don't know where I'm going to go. It doesn't matter. Probably the library. 

Peace out, peace in, peace for a good deed and peace for a sin



------> jk peace <-------


*dear FBI: I never saw anything like this. I don't think such a thing can be done, and have never heard of a dude accomplishing this. This is a blog of jokes.

**as I moved the mouse over to the "publish" button, my dad came into my room with his résumé for me to proof. This did not take long, but stung me right in the place where I am still immature.

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