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Friday, March 1, 2019


Added some more links to webcomics, the best webcomics. I thought carefully about adding more to the best webcomic. The  best comic is of course Achewood, which is probably over, the second is Buttercup Festival, which is updating again after six years and has been the perfect thing since it started up way back in the early days of webcomic explosion and continued to be through all its revolutions and going on hiatus. The third is the bravest, funniest, smartest, most intense and well-executed piece of fantasy being written today and some of the best art ever produced by human hands. Just my opinion, but if you think I'm full of shit, I expect you have not read it. And if you have, and disagree, please tell me who is making something better than that because I want to read it very much.

Though should you point me to something I've already read, or am already reading, be warned that I will forever consider you simply addled. Ashley Cope is the foremost living creator of fantasy since the passing of Ursula K. LeGuin. Full stop, no further service on this line.


Should you present me with some argument that this cannot be so due to some violence the artist has perpetrated in life or work, be assured that sorry though it makes me, it is too late for me; I am one of those people that believes the work has a life and value outside of its creator and will not change my position based on hearing that an author did not lead the blameless life of a saint. I am not a saint either. And, sadly, you shall never convince me by word or deed that you are a saint, no matter how piously you assure me or how assiduously you forward that argument by calling the universe broken on the basis that it does not meet your personal criteria. 

More likely to think of you as a censor and a person with a tendency to abuse other people. Not impressed by those qualities, though I concede they do not make you the devil. I know you're probably just trying to be a good person. That is what makes you dangerous, and forgivable.

See? We all draw our lines in different places. All sorts of different ways of interpreting things.


Think I'm wrong? Good. Keep asking questions. Fight me in your mind. I don't care who's wrong or right because those are almost always fake applications of narrow band of reasoning and ultimately it is almost impossible for me to hurt you by loving something that I read or see and you can't hurt me by hating the same thing. 

I care only that we are both perceiving art and thinking. 


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