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Friday, November 29, 2024


It is not meet for a man to sing his own praises or elaborate overmuch on what and how he performed when called to do what is only his duty. Indeed, there are many things one can't really say to anyone, even though they aren't secrets, and it wouldn't be the first time I chose to say just such a thing here, because this place is, while not mine, at least the place where I have testified about myself for a chunk of my life. 


Some days, one is tested. Will a dude do what he said he would do? Is a dude who he says he is, and when the challenge comes, does he prove it? Today I had the opportunity to do that. It was not easy, but I did it. I did not back down or flinch, and was a bulwark.


There is something to be said, in a corollary fashion, about symbols. Wore the symbol of a hero that matters to me. Honored that symbol today.


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