Woof! Maturation. Living in history. Sharing space with a crazy imbalance of new souls vs. old souls or whatever.
It's like. Can I get stronger drugs? Gotta get through this. Find myself wanting stronger drugs so badly that my usual drugs aren't even dragging me out of bed. Only video games and a full bladder.
What the fuck, man. I hate that. Hate piloting around this self-heating skinful of blood and slime and keratin that doesn't have the sense to only want good things. It has to want horrible vile things too.
And thus! Factually Macabre, twenty twenty four.
More specifically, I am here drawing on a deeper definition of angst than is usually flippantly applied to the tormented, but. I guess in English it reads across the concepts.
Have you noticed? That I am trying something new with periods and using more fragments? I dunno. Might not stick.
Maybe it's just how I feel today, this here post, in this, the month of the octopus.
That's how I've always felt, anyway. Also that October should be the eighth month, and that it is not is one of the things about calendars that serves as fundament to my chronovertigo.
Is my chronovertigo a chronic condition, you ask? Man, why don't you shut your fucking mouth. Jesus.
Doctors are terrible for many reasons. One of them is their wretched imprecision, especially around language. Oh, sure, the Greek and Latin are straightforward and mean exactly what they sound like--typically. The English and Spanish, less so, and that's as far as my personal knowledge stretches, though many translated doctors also seem to suffer from this terrible disrespect for straightforward use of common tongue. More flagrant are the more recent linguistic conventions and innovations, and it is these I speak of when I say that doctors are shameless and disgusting word criminals. Language perverts, who attack not only words and sentences, but the concepts they are meant to enshrine.
Every fucking god damn condition that exists is a chronic condition. It starts and ends, either after x time or because death cured every problem you ever had. Without a doctor there to "explain", if you were told you had a chronic condition, you would have to ask if you were somehow sick in the time, or if time had done something to you or harmed you somehow (it has), or if you were permanently sick like a vampire is sick and you will endure like an impossibly dense stone of disease plunging through the liquid suspension of interminable ages, or if the fucking illness would come at you every Thursday at five p.m. on the dot and would call ahead if anything should change day of, and would stay precisely thirty-seven hours per stretch--so, out with my bags at six every Sunday, darling. Next week. Ta!
Chronic illness describes nothing. And their given definition? Some shit, anything, that lasts from three months to the rest of your life. Ok, cool. So it's at least potentially like it sounds, depending on what you heard. And what is to be done? Well, don't go throwing clocks at anyone. Also rubbing a clock on the affected area will not affect the progression of the disease, though it may while away the hours. Kills time, anyway.
Starting to feel like I've lost control of this idea. Time to cut the cord.
So. All that aside, what's creepy today?
Well, I dunno what's not creepy about being consigned to an existence where you can wake up sick one morning and it doesn't go away for the rest of your life no matter what you or anybody else thinks to try or does at all.
In addition, I have vaguely referred to the very real situation that a class of people--moneyed people, people with power and education and various brands of clout--exists who demand and are given access to our bodies through various social and governmental mechanisms. These people have created a fully armed, operational, and ingrained set of mores and durable material realities resulting in that we trust them with our very lives, and they do whatever they fucking want to us. They swear an oath to do real good with your body, but never since the dawn of time have we been more aware that oaths are maybe just words, and words are just wind, and we see every single day on a neverending loop that people have no problem using any word to rationalize any deed. And indeed, just like anyone else, doctors rape, cheat, lie, obey power's terrible and insane commands through apathy or turpitude or terror, steal, fall prey to hubris, dodge responsibility, and in their special capacities try and have you take insanely dangerous and addictive drugs, or cut you open even though they don't need to, and expose you to you might never know what shit. Because they can. And if you think I am being an asshole, just look it up. Look up some real-ass, classic, juicy bits of medical malpractice history. Are you perhaps aware of the case of the Tuskegee Airmen?
Now, a brain surgeon has to swear not to fuck your actual brain tissues up on purpose if they go in there guns blazing as they do. And if they should happen to anyway? They can be sued. Now, the fuckers that go in there and screw around without a knife? The one everyone in society tells you to go spill your guts out every single week to for the rest of your life so that they know you in a way no other person on this planet knows you, and if you don't, there's something wrong with you? They don't have to say jack shit, basically, and they are way, way harder to deal with in court. In general. Unlike most doctors, nearly every psychologist knows how to talk to people.
In the end, however, these two types of people are fully complemented only with a third type: that thing which will allow itself to be called a lawyer, and act in such a capacity.
Man. I know this opinion is unpopular, but these three professions should be some untouchable caste shit. Fuck these people. In their modern hyperextensions, that is, where every human activity that has ever served us has been warped and corroded into something that hurts us.
An experienced healer, a powerful shaman, and a wise keeper of rules walk into a bar and are instantly murdered by a doctor, a psychologist, and a lawyer. Rimshot.
One final creepy thing about existence that I already said (the point that kicked us off proper): we are stuck in these bodies.
Do you hear me? We are stuck in these bodies.
We cannot get out.
Death is no guarantee--only a chance.
p.s. look alright I apologize to all the execrably litigious people I have reduced to the absurd today it is a bad habit that I indulge in to keep my perspectives flexible and it is my particular affliction that I am goaded to flex the perspectives of others through doing word jazz but in the end I believe all people are fundamentally good and should not be loathed for doing their stupid asshole jobs or being grownups instead of being adults
quit your jobs though and stop being grownups what the fuck
BONUS CREEPSHOW: Final apropos of doctors: they know that what I am about to say is true--we are on the bleeding, verging cusp of some true life mad scientist shit. That Chinese dude CRISPRing some little girls to life was just the quickly subdued first spasm of a motherfucker showing up with something no one now living is truly prepared to report on as fact, but will change our ideas of the possible and the permissible irrevocably till the end of our culture, perhaps our species.
Also ideas are creepy in that--did you see? I cut the cord, and it came crawling right back to take over my brain with undiminished and perhaps increased fervor.
Ideas, you see, are not things we are really in control of and should probably take less credit for. Ideas have their own shit going on, their own physics and appetites.