Can't help but one is talking anymore about universal basic income, even though all the test balloons flew great, even though y'all might as well, since the way you manage the world has been so wrong and so bad that most of us will probably die. Your stupid race to beat heedless excess with scientific "advancement" has been a shitty plan, and at this point, might as well relax the resources into making sure everyone is comfortable before the end.
Least we could do for each other at this point, and we won't do that. Though I guess it's kinda noble to keep trying.
But man. What a fucking feeling. The world at a melting point--a real and true apocalypse after all this asinine noise about a hundred fake ones, millions of people already dying for dozens of needless reason on multiple fronts all over the planet, and it's like, go to work! Those who do not wish to participate will be enslaved if apprehended, so drive your fucking car to work, right now, and keep working, or DIE.
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