Besides embracing the apocalypse with open arms, here's some other unpopular things I get to say, as my own boss and editor:
--Cops are gangs. Gangs of pigs. Orwellian pigs. They used to be on a leash, but they're going rogue, starting to bite the feeding hand. And why not? They've been fed too richly for too long, their fangs are long and sharp, their muscles taut, and they feel threatened.
--Congresspeople are gangs of crime lords. Pig crime lords. Orwellian pig crime lords that let slavery and starvation and injustice run rampant for an extra nickel and a steady spotlight.
corollary: if you disagree with one or both of these statements, it is because:
a) you are a bootlicking, ass-in-the-air simp. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, but that part of it just turns you on and makes your cornhole greasy. You flex and relax it; enticingly, you hope: trying your damnedest to tempt Daddy into penetrating you with gusto, like you matter at least that much.
b) you benefit directly from their criminal activities from below (related to [a]) or are lying because you are taking advantage of or helping to maintain the situation from above.
c) you are literally a child. Life is a cartoon. Mommy and Daddy know everything, and would never, ever lie to you.
It's not useful to think about this situation with more nuance. Usually I would not say that. I don't think there's many situations at all in this universe which I would say that about.
However, if you live in America, to moderate your thinking on this matter is legitimately unsafe and contributes to the steady erosion of liberty and worse, hope.
We have been trained to believe crumbs falling from the mouths of our oppressors are whole meals; that what have been told is progress is commesurate with what we have been trained to think of as the temporary inconvenience of the necessities which preclude progress. But those necessities are a lie. There is no harmony between progress and oppression. There is only oppression and appeasement.
Appeasement is not the same as freedom or justice. Appeasement is that which dulls our appetite for the real thing. The more you accept appeasement, the more satisfied you are, and the less you need your imagination, your thirst for a better world, your dazzling hopes.
Fact of the matter is that since the inception of this nation, a few people--some locally, some in Great Britain--have manipulated the bulk of the land's wealth and resources to prop up empires whose material gains are vast and directed towards those few, while the many, the hundreds of millions, have been treated as livestock, as pawns, fucked with and rearranged and bred for convenience and obedience, and given only what they need to support the enterprise through their labor and consumption. But that has always been unsustainable, a word they cannot seem to grasp the definition of, and the house of cards is teetering.
Who do I blame for the Civil War? The North, the South, Congress, slaveholders, abolitionists, expansionists? Folks, the people to blame most squarely lived in Great Britain. From precolonial efforts through the war and beyond, British interests have played a startlingly vital yet quiet role. We ground out that bloodiest of farces because slavery was unsustainable in the extreme right from the offing, but the British ensured that the practice continued to be profitable for those poor fucking idiots who thought they were cultured, superior, and that human beings could be owned. They thought this because they were themselves owned, though they could not have seen it that way and let their worldviews remain intact. Southern plantation owners, their lavish homes filled with British manufacturing, were an unsustainable class, and a designed one. The British knew and laughed into their sleeves, themselves outlawing slavery while buying up everything the American South could offer them. Their pawns did not know, were not in on the joke, to the extent they would fight a suicidal war to maintain that status quo. For freedom! From other Americans, the true opressors!
Hm. HM. The particulars aren't quite right, but something about this situation seems applicable to the current moment.
All this to say when it's martial law up in this piece and the only difference between what the warlords and marauders will do to you and what the "leaders" and "protectors" will do is the uniform and the justification, you may remember reading this, though you will not be able to look it up.
Wouldn't help you anyway.
What is to be done? I don't fuckin know at all, man. Worse than useless.
Thinking lately about how this blog is a shitty product, because you never know if I'm going to uplift you or bring you down; make a joke, or fart in your face. Who needs that as part of their day? Who would want to show up regularly for that? Terrible. Also I am prone, as in the above, to rail and rant and offer exactly no solutions. Well, I have sometimes, but not all that often. Normally it's all shit and no shovel. Universal basic income, healthcare, sustenance, and shelter is an incredible shovel though, and I've made the case often, so there is that.
Also I have made my books terrible physical items just because I've fucked it all up. No explanation. Just a lot of bad decisions about how to turn my words into products. My ideas turn to dross in my hands, and those who help me must throw their hands up in despair.
Indeed, that is the crux of the issue. The words are ok, I stand by them even if they're not my best combos. But the products themselves are not reliable or of sufficient quality to be worthwhile or worth cash; precious, precious time and money. And critical wherewithal, because why should you give a shit? I give no concrete reasons.
Big fail energy. Well, it's all factually pointless. What solace I have found in that judicious flash of insight, which led me to tell the truth as simply as possible right in the masthead.
Anyway, I'm literally a child. Life is a cartoon. Disregard everything you read here. I'm not Mom or Dad and you don't need to trust me one iota.