Well, it's been a considerable interruption in factually pointless service around here. Goes like that sometimes, unavoidable this time, but I never like it. Me, I like to deliver. Yet, the conditions have to be right--not perfect, but right. My laptop got moved to the new house before I was ready to have it moved, and we didn't get internet in here till earlier this week. Didn't leap at creating this blog post first thing because:
a) it was already begun but unfinished, a state which is not the best for me--I like, whenever possible, to bang these out in one swift torrent.
b) still working hard at learning the ins and outs of the bus driving gig, and sadly I must report that the training may have covered most of driving the actual bus and a few points of the day-to-day, but it in no way represented adequate preparation for the actual job in its detail, nuance, and code. So learning it has taken up considerable bandwidth, plus they changed my route after a week. So basically I worked two first weeks in a row.
Sidebar: the breakdown is, I love twenty percent of this new job, like/dislike fifty percent in varying measures, not sure about another twenty, and hate ten percent. Not too terrible, but don't know if I'll stay, or if I stay, whether or not I will for longer than a year.
c) there's been plenty to do about the new house and its yard. Plenty remains, of course, but we're living in it now, apartment and most everything to do with it behind us. Excelsior!
Ok. Cool. Cool. You have been reasonably updated, dear reader.
Wish I had more to say for this particular post. But we got Kirby: The Forgotten Land as a housewarming gift to ourselves, and really, playing that game and rereading the Animorphs books are most of what I'm up for these days. Having a house is really cool and it feels really good, especially as I'm still somewhat overwhelmed and psychically occupied by the newness and process of it all, job and house changing, life just coming at me, so I'm gonna go enjoy the peaceful, restful things.
Peace and love, friends, and we raise a glass to posting again! It sucked to be gone most of April, but May will be fun and cool.
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