Given the choice, and there is usually a choice, though much more rarely when camping, I like to bake bacon in an oven. More is gained from the rendering process, and it is much easier to achieve crispness without blackening. It is slower, but taking more time is something I like to do. Given the choice. Too often there is a dearth of choice, due to modern quotidian pressures over which the individual has poor and fleeting, if any, influence over. Also, with fresh liquid bacon grease heated to spitting, cooking delicious perfect scrambled eggs takes about forty seconds. So one gets a little time back, with the proper preparation.
All this is by way of saying I cooked breakfast real proper this morning. We must celebrate the tiny victories whenever possible. Soon we will be dead, and breakfast no more.
Wrote that yesterday, and delved greedily and deep into work on the what was to be the next album--but that is not today's album. Dunno how much it comes across, but I do a considerable deal of research on most posts where I make any kind of reference, even if I know the subject well--and research for certain posts can be quite extensive. My research for the post I began yesterday and continued all day today has not yet completed and I've had ten tabs open on pages ten to twenty scrolls deep, plus I may have to pull out some books. So that album's post will be published later this week, which is even something of a relief, as it is a lot of emotional work as well, and maybe would be served by parsing out.
I love doing research so much, Seriously. I would get paid for it, in a world where I gave a fuck about myself and demanded my money's worth. More applicably to this timeline, if I do enough research, I can learn enough to understand that there is no point in actually writing about the thing I am researching, since my understanding is simply too shallow, as is all knowledge.
No album today! It's Sunday, I ate a huge turkey sandwich for lunch and I need a nap. Maybe I'll add to this post after a nap, but probably not. Breakfast and research are good enough topic for a decent blog post, in my opinion. My memory of that accomplishment is still shining brightly. Those really were perfect eggs, man.
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