It strikes that perhaps too regularly when I approach this space the result of the encounter is a failure to properly navigate the line between the management of alert, manifold cogency and the irreverence with which I am tempted to skewer and demean myself. Also a failure to manage the tension between my overbearing vanity and too-precious desire to sound clever, and my wish to be as honest as possible.
All of which is so stupid. I feel like such a fucking twit, sitting in the dirt with too-small pants riding up my calves, splaying each testicle onto a separate thigh. Drool running all the way down my chin and drying on my neck. Very proud of myself, big smile.
Not literally in that position as I type this. Just saying I feel like a total asshole sometimes. Guess we all do.
Let me just tell you a story. Let me just be done talking for a moment.
Cedar Point, the amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio, has been a destination in my life. I mean, that is what it's there for, its exact and stated purpose: a place to go to. For those times you need a place to take a bunch of middle school concert band students somewhere. Somewhere they can conduct themselves with dignity and comport themselves with grace, like a roller coaster pileup what gift kiosks do be sellin' rebel flag durags n' fried mars bars. Somewhere you are surrounded by men whose lifestyle's cumulative contribution to their frame and physique has rendered them unable to cover ground for more minutes than they need to rest in a day, though these men are typically not yet sixty.
We hearken back to that basically revolting and yet truly magical age of thirteen. We evoke a maladapted little atheist with spiked hair, caustic t-shirts, evilly rubber-banded braces, long drab cargo shorts, and two rows of homemade brujo beads hanging round my neck down to my groin. Only my black slip-on moccasins, slightly overlarge, and particular dysfunctions betrayed me as autistic. I played, of course, the trumpet.
Before noon I had already used one of the disposable cameras I used to like to bring everywhere to snap an incriminating picture of my buddy Red, and also a picture of an impressively-endowed classmate with her shirt up. The way I accomplished this was by feeling the impulse enter my mind and acting upon it without thinking: she was perhaps ten feet away, ahead of me and my boys in the line for the standing-up coaster. I called out to her to show me her tits, she did, and I took the photo without consent. There is no excuse for this behavior. Troubled youth. If I have not already paid for the balance in personal agony, may I continue to do so, amen.
Funny thing about this girl, a couple years later she pulled her shirt up at me again. I was already a different man, though, had already drunk deep from the shame of having done her like that in the first place, and turned my eyes away. This, of course, offended her profoundly, and also caused a wrestling teammate that was talking to me up till that moment pitch a fit at me like "motherfucker you crazy, that bitch is showing you her tiddies what the fuck is the matter?!?" Dude shoved me and everything. Thought I was gonna hafta deck'm with an elbow.
Couldn't explain it, really. Both occasions are founts of equal guilt and pain. Perhaps it's not such an amusing thing that of her own volition a teenaged girl would show her tits to a dude that once tricked her into same for no particular reason other than that he could. Perhaps it doesn't matter. And perhaps it does.
In line for the fast coaster (plenty of fast coasters at the park now, but back in the day, you'd know which coaster I meant), me and the boys were very naturally horsing around. No real mayhem, just mocking grins at all and sundry, the kind of fidgeting that isn't nervous but rather makes other people nervous, and laughing raucously at inside jokes and Monty Python quotes. Just being little assholes, you know?
To make a long story short, there was this super hot chick further back in the line. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my entire life up to that point, and it is easy for me to remember that this was so because it was by such a ridiculous, such a painful margin; seven times hotter than anyone I could think of or remember. I think she contributed to how long it took me to come around to actually having sex. If I had waited for real for a chick as hot as her to give it up to, I would have stayed virgin till I was twenty-six. This was a thirteen-year girl, a flesh-and-blood occurrence of the mysterious stranger of lore that pops up in people's lifetimes. Like the loveliest cicada imaginable.
Shan't bother to describe her. You've either seen a thirteen-year individual or you haven't; if you have, there is no purpose in wasting words, and if you haven't, understand that looks as describable are barely a part of this, and understand that in this matter, words are a waste. You, too, may be someone's mysterious stranger, showing up in a beam of light before their eyes, representing a great axis in their lives.
As I say, thirteen years after this little story, I consummated the cycle and fucked the next thirteen-year girl I saw. She deserves her own post and she shall have it, but I will say this: I didn't flirt with a single customer the entire five years I worked at this remanufactured automotive parts outlet except for her (I'm not in any case a flirter, really; don't have the ear or the tongue or the type of patience for it), I knew I was gonna fuck her the moment she walked through the door, and I let it happen without giving it too much thought. You can't. With a mysterious stranger, you're either gonna pretty damn soon or right then and there or not for a long time or maybe ever, decided essentially in the first few instants of the juncture.
So, when we noticed this girl, the boys just about shit their pants. They regressed about five years at a leap and shoved their hands in their pockets as the blood ran away from their faces, an ashen hush collapsing their voices and deflating their auras. I don't blame them. We were confident enough amongst ourselves, but it's not like we were the coolest cats in town. Remember, Monty Python quotes. Braces. We thought doing a real good professional German accent and a real good British accent back to back, playing with the stereotypes, was a total crackup. We still spoke of Space Camp sometimes, with a wistful gleam in our eyes.
Me, much as it would go thirteen years later, I looked into her eyes and I knew that I could get it done if I wanted to. That day, that very blessed hour. Unless she just wanted to hop the line and thought the naïveté of this gaggle of twerps was a good safe bet. Don't think so, though. So maybe her bet was on this twerp (me) possessing delusions towards the sigma male posture. Maybe. But I doubt it. This was sustained eye-contact, actual-flavor-on-the-tongue real come-on as in come on, boy, come get this, I have it and you see that I have it and I want to give it to you. I remember the shape and color of her eyes like no time has passed at all because she drilled them into mine with no doubts at all. And what eyes.
Problem is, I was thirteen, and plain weird. Now, I've known guys to turn in their v-card on just such an occasion, no other consideration in the world at all in their minds, just going for it. They are everywhere in literature. I remember reading an article the year before this tale took place in Men's Healf Maggrozeen about a sex addict who turned in his v-card at twelve in a tunnel on a playground and spent the rest of his life as the type of dude who, in his own words, would chew through a brick wall if he knew there was pussy on the other side of it. But I'm a dude who, first, values loyalty and doesn't like to set people up to have their feelings hurt needlessly (I might be extremely good at hurting feelings both intentionally and through many unflattering varieties of fuckup, but I really don't like to), and second, values his independence. I am, by and large, a dude of discipline and behavioral rigor. I value honor, justice, freedom, courage, wisdom, prudence, and honesty. I also love to fuck, drink hard, and smoke like a chimney. These, and intellectual arrogance, comprise my Achilles heels and the foundations of my hubris and death-drives. Known all that pretty much since I was a kid.
Therefore much as I could already feel my feet shucking the pointless line, leaving my dudes castrated and abandoned (really not good for their psychology and a profoundly bad look on me), taking her by the hand literally without saying a word over to the Ferris wheel, and finding out what the songs are all about, I did not do this thing. So it goes.
Stayed in line with the fellas like a brother ought. Yes, I looked at that girl: I feasted my eyes and I told her I was sorry though mine as best as I could. Yes, I stood up straight shoulders squared chest out gut tight, and let her see me smile, because she was curving herself and setting herself up some angles and letting me see her smile. Yes, there were moments, many, when the intensity even got turned up, and it is hard to describe honestly and not sound like a bullshitter, but if you've been there, then you know: moments when that girl and me were all alone in that line, when it was quiet because there was, in those moments, no Sandusky, no Ohio, no cut-rate amusement park, no line, no time. Just the sunlight falling on two humans, the sound of the ocean in their ears the one and only sound, the maybe, the beckoning, the holding of the peace, the yes and the no at the same time.
Yes, I looked at that girl. And she looked at me.
But I kept joking with my boys, got 'em laughing, got 'em pumped and grinning and full of themselves and psyched for the roller coaster. Reminded myself about brick-wall-pussy dude and made other memories; like this older dude with a big gray grizzled ponytail under a trucker hat wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and sporting on his upper arm the absolute hugest, longest, most out-there fuckin mole I have ever seen, and let me tell you the best part: this mole had a long gray ponytail too. Never saw another like it. A mole that impressive, on display? Rarer than a thirteen-year girl. Never seen its like before or since, not even on an old man's pate.
A gem. Really, truly, you don't stand in a line like this every day.
That's the tale, folks. Hope to do more stuff like this, through the end of this year. Yet, who knows?