Sure is plenty to be anxious and afraid about these days. I mean, there's no real need to be. But the salesmanship of it all! There is so much to gain by being as afraid as we can possibly be made to be, and it is has been made so easy. Fear is virtue and commodity, mass-produced, sold, and used to sell. Fear-based economies, fear-based social lives, fear-based sociopolitical discourse, fear-charged atmosphere and a 24/7 terror propaganda machine to keep us up-to-the-minute on the whole fuckin dirge. Lord, and how we pay handsomely for the privilege of helping them spread their charlatanery for free! Sheep can only make their own noise, but parrots can meme whatever memes their masters care to shove into their heads.
Things are bad, and a huge part of how bad things are is the histrionic flagellation about how bad things are constantly on every level of the broadcast. I picture a fox in a trap, who, rather than gnawing off the trapped limb, elects to beat its own brains out against a stone.
Nothing ever changes the existential position. Everyone could die of some crazy shit at any second of every day of their lives, and eventually something gets 'em. That's just the game. All you can do is roll with the circumstances and watch your step. You don't have to let fear write the rules or own the whole situation. Own your own situation. Have some dignity.
This really great cartoon called The Fungies came out and I watched the first season and it was radical. Loved every minute. Recently watched Adventure Time in one shot for the first time, plus the new specials that have been released so far. What can be said? Completely fucking gay for Adventure Time. Don't even listen to me about it. Also finally watched all of Steven Universe. Similar feelings.
Watch as many cartoons as possible. It's the right thing to do, perhaps the last ethical thing in this lost and benighted world of ours.
ok peace
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